course information of 108 - 2 | 1195 Business Policy(企業政策)

1195 - 企業政策 Business Policy

教育目標 Course Target

  在企業管理領域,企業政策(Business Policy)或策略管理(Strategic Management)是一門整合性的課程。為何是「整合性」?原因是經營管理者必須基於對其企業內部各功能活動及企業外部各環境影響的瞭解,才能對於企業未來的經營方向提出具體的指引及方案。因此在企業管理學系課程的安排上,常在最後一個階段研習。傳統上,本課程是實務導向——為了訂定企業整體發展策略及解決企業實際決策問題而存在。五十多年來,經過策略領域學者努力及高階管理實務的貢獻,逐漸形成一門具體的學科,也是企管領域內重要研究議題之一。 策略管理的核心議題是在探討「企業為何而成功?又為何而失敗?」會想要關心與瞭解這項議題者,傳統上是企業的高階主管與策略規劃幕僚。近年來,由於企業面臨國際化及科技進展等環境變革,重視企業競爭優勢與企業策略管理者,已不限於企業內部的高階管理人員,中低階的管理人員、專業人員,甚至企業外部的利害關係人,如投資機構、政府部門及非營利組織等,也都有迫切的需要來瞭解企業成敗的理由。因此,本課程期望修課同學能站在企業的高階決策者或產業分析者的觀點,來探討攸關企業存亡之策略性決策,例如企業使命及目標的擬定、市場與經營範疇的選擇、競爭與產品的定位、核心能力的發展與更新、組織結構及管理系統的設計等重要策略決策議題。 本課程的目標如次: 1. 理解與活用策略管理的觀念與分析架構 2. 培養企業外部環境及產業分析的能力 3. 培養企業內部資源與能力分析的能力 4. 培養發展功能階層、事業階層、及企業總體階層等策略的能力 5. 建立策略執行與企業組織設計的能力 6. 建立對企業治理及企業倫理的觀念與知識  本課程內容設計是採行老師講授與個案討論並行的方式來進行。雖然企業經營策略的擬定與執行,必須要對特定產業及企業運作實務等有深入的瞭解,尤其是策略決策的品質常被視為實戰經驗與智慧累積的結果。但本課程認為藉由對策略管理中一般性理論概念、觀念架構及分析方法的研習與瞭解,亦能掌握企業經營成功的主要邏輯,也可使修課同學具備策略性思維與決策的基礎能力。因此,本課程將以嚴謹的策略理論、架構與分析方法的介紹為基礎,試圖讓修課同學建立策略管理的觀念化與分析能力,再輔以分組個案分析的報告與討論,來鍛鍊同學的應用這些觀念、架構與分析方法於實際決策情境的技能。此外,為了促進修課同學對於實際產業結構及企業經營背景有進一步的瞭解,本課程要求修課同學在期末須以分組方式,同時以書面及口頭來提報各組自選個案公司的研究(期末實案研究)。In the field of business management, Business Policy or Strategic Management is an integrated course. Why "integration"? The reason is that business managers must provide specific guidance and plans for the future business direction of the company based on their understanding of the functional activities within the company and the environmental impacts outside the company. Therefore, in the arrangement of courses in the Department of Business Management, students are often studied in the last stage. Traditionally, this course is practice-oriented - it exists to formulate overall corporate development strategies and solve practical corporate decision-making problems. Over the past fifty years, through the efforts of scholars in the field of strategy and the contributions of high-level management practices, it has gradually formed a specific discipline and is also one of the important research topics in the field of business management. The core issue of strategic management is to explore "Why do companies succeed? Why do they fail?" Those who want to care about and understand this issue are traditionally the senior executives and strategic planning staff of the company. In recent years, as enterprises face environmental changes such as internationalization and scientific and technological progress, managers who value enterprise competitive advantages and corporate strategies are no longer limited to high-level managers within the enterprise, middle and low-level managers, professionals, and even interests outside the enterprise. Relevant parties, such as investment institutions, government departments, and non-profit organizations, also have an urgent need to understand the reasons for the success or failure of enterprises. Therefore, this course expects students to be able to discuss strategic decisions related to the survival of an enterprise from the perspective of a high-level decision-maker or industry analyst, such as the formulation of corporate mission and goals, the selection of markets and business areas, and competition. Important strategic decision-making issues include product positioning, development and update of core capabilities, design of organizational structure and management systems, etc. The objectives of this course are as follows: 1. Understand and utilize the concepts and analytical framework of strategic management 2. Cultivate the ability to analyze the company’s external environment and industry 3. Cultivate the ability to analyze the company’s internal resources and capabilities 4. Cultivate the ability to develop strategies such as functional strata, business strata, and overall corporate strata. 5. Establish capabilities in strategy execution and corporate organization design 6. Establish concepts and knowledge about corporate governance and corporate ethics. The content of this course is designed to be conducted in parallel with teacher lectures and case discussions. Although the formulation and implementation of corporate business strategies require an in-depth understanding of specific industries and corporate operating practices, especially the quality of strategic decisions is often regarded as the result of the accumulation of practical experience and wisdom. However, this course believes that through the study and understanding of general theoretical concepts, conceptual frameworks and analytical methods in strategic management, one can also master the main logic of successful business operations, and also equip students with the basic abilities of strategic thinking and decision-making. . Therefore, this course will be based on the rigorous introduction of strategic theory, structure and analysis methods, trying to allow students to build conceptualization and analytical abilities in strategic management, and will be supplemented by group case analysis reports and discussions to train students' abilities. Skills in applying these concepts, frameworks and analytical methods to practical decision-making situations. In addition, in order to promote the course students to have a better understanding of the actual industrial structure and business management background, this course requires the course students to be divided into groups at the end of the semester and submit a written and oral report on the research of each group's self-selected case company (final case study).

參考書目 Reference Books

Hill, C. W. L., Jones, G. R., & Schilling, M. A. (2015). Strategic Management :An Integrated Approach. 11th edtion, South-Western College Pub
Grant, R.M. (2013). Contemporary Strategy Analysis. 8th edition, John Wiley & SonsBlack Ltd.
Hill, C. W. L., Jones, G. R., & Schilling, M. A. (2015). Strategic Management :An Integrated Approach. 11th edtion, South-Western College Pub
Grant, R.M. (2013). Contemporary Strategy Analysis. 8th edition, John Wiley & SonsBlack Ltd.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
test scores
50 期中考 25%,期末考25%
Case studies and strategic practice reports
20 課堂口頭報告與討論記錄
End-of-period strategy analysis report
Personal Attendance and Class Participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[M230]
授課教師 Teacher:黃延聰
修課班級 Class:企管系3A
選課備註 Memo:先修:企業管理概論、管理學、行銷管理
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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