course information of 108 - 2 | 1109 Project Implementation:IC Design / Wireless Communication(專題實作:IC設計與無線通訊專題)

1109 - 專題實作:IC設計與無線通訊專題 Project Implementation:IC Design / Wireless Communication

教育目標 Course Target

主要在於訓練學生具有專業研究之能力。透過團隊合作的方式,培養學生溝通與協調技巧,再藉由專業領域工具之應用,使學生學習理論與實作之整合運用。課程中同時安排學生報告,以訓練其口語表達技巧及簡報能力。本課程主要為實作結合理論,以多元化方式進行。學生自主性組成研究小組,並邀請系上教師進行指導,定訂研究題目後,從計畫研議、經費估計控管、行程研議、論文研讀與實體設計過程中,實作一符合市場需求與未來發展的成品。本課程之目的是使學生能對課堂上所學的各項基本概念與原理均能融會貫通,並充分運用校系內各研究室之設備,以熟悉各項工具之性能、操作的技術及維護的方法。進而培育學生針對題目,廣泛收集相關資料,進而自行研讀資料之能力,應用於實務製作,以期許日後能應用於產業界上。且培育學生分工合作之精神,與協調工作之能力。使學生了解報告的撰寫方式,同時訓練學生的報告撰寫能力。The main purpose is to train students to have professional research abilities. Through teamwork, students' communication and coordination skills are cultivated, and through the application of tools in the professional field, students learn the integrated application of theory and practice. Students' reports are also arranged during the course to train their oral expression skills and presentation skills. This course mainly combines practice with theory, and is conducted in a diversified way. Students independently form research groups and invite department teachers for guidance. After setting the research topic, they implement a plan that meets market demand from the process of planning discussion, funding estimation and control, itinerary discussion, thesis reading and physical design. Finished product with future development. The purpose of this course is to enable students to master the basic concepts and principles learned in the classroom, make full use of the equipment in the various laboratories of the school department, and become familiar with the performance, operation techniques and maintenance of each tool. method. It further cultivates students' ability to collect relevant information extensively according to the topic, and then study the information on their own, and apply it to practical production, with the hope that it can be applied to the industry in the future. It also cultivates students' spirit of division of labor and cooperation and their ability to coordinate work. To enable students to understand how to write reports and at the same time train students' report writing abilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

Teacher's own compilation

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
poster display
Oral examination

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:溫志宏/苗新元/鐘玉芳/蔡坤霖/劉日新/翁峻鴻/陳錡楓/林士弘/陳俊宏/蔣惟丞
修課班級 Class:電機系IC通訊組3
選課備註 Memo:未修過專題研究:IC設計與無線通訊專題者,不得修習。上課時間另訂。人工加選。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 30 人。

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