course information of 108 - 2 | 0372 Guided Studies in Chinese(善與義務:中國哲學古典導讀)

0372 - 善與義務:中國哲學古典導讀 Guided Studies in Chinese

教育目標 Course Target

課程概述 (Course Description): 本課主要課題包括:儒家哲學思想方面,選讀材料有《論語》中的論題「禮之本」、「忠恕」、「三年之喪」、「直躬者」及「正名」,《孟子》中的論題「四端」與「四喻之辯」,《荀子》中的論題「性惡」與「積偽」。道家哲學思想方面,有《老子》中的論題「道可道非常道」,《莊子》中的論題「莊周夢蝶」與「魚之樂」。後期墨家與名家哲學思想與邏輯推理方面,有《墨子》中的論題「殺盜非殺人」與「乘白馬乘馬也」,《公孫龍子》中的論題「白馬非馬」。佛家哲學思想方面,有《肇論》中的論題「物不遷」、天台宗的「佛不斷性惡」、華嚴宗的「六相圓融」及禪宗的「得法偈」。宋明理學思想方面,則有張載的「西銘」、程顥的「識仁」、程頤的「定性」及王陽明的「萬物一體」與「草木瓦石也有良知」等。 Course Description: The main topics of this course include: Confucian philosophical thought. The selected reading materials include the topics "The Origin of Rites", "Loyalty and Shu", "Three Years of Mourning", "Zhi Gongzhe" and "Correcting Names" in "The Analects", and "Mencius" The topics of "Four Ends" and "The Debate of Four Metaphors", and the topics of "Evil Nature" and "Accumulation of Falsehoods" in "Xunzi". In terms of Taoist philosophical thought, there are the topics "Tao can be Tao but not Tao" in "Laozi", and "Zhuang Zhou Dreams of Butterflies" and "The Joy of Fish" in "Zhuangzi". Regarding the philosophical thoughts and logical reasoning of the Mohists and famous scholars in the later period, there are the thesis "Killing and stealing is not killing" and "riding on a white horse" in "Mozi", and the thesis "white horse is not a horse" in "Gongsun Longzi". In terms of Buddhist philosophical thoughts, there are the thesis "things do not change" in "Zhao Lun", "Buddha's incessant evil nature" from Tiantai Sect, "Six Phases Harmony" from Huayan Sect, and "Debu Fa Gao" from Zen Buddhism. In terms of Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties, there are Zhang Zai's "Xi Ming", Cheng Hao's "Knowing Benevolence", Cheng Yi's "Quality", and Wang Yangming's "All Things Are One" and "Grass, trees, tiles and rocks also have conscience", etc.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) 馮耀明:中國古代哲學思想 (香港公開大學 1992).
(Yiu-ming Fung: Chinese Philosophy in the Ancient Period (4 volumes) (The Open University of Hong Kong 1992)

(2) 馮耀明編選:選讀材料 (Selected Reading Materials)

(1) Feng Yiu Ming: Ancient Chinese Philosophical Thoughts (Open University of Hong Kong 1992).
(Yiu-ming Fung: Chinese Philosophy in the Ancient Period (4 volumes) (The Open University of Hong Kong 1992)

(2) Edited by Feng Yaoming: Selected Reading Materials

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
期中考試 (Mid-term Examination):30% 期末考試 (Term-end Examination):70% 期中考試 (Mid-term Examination):30% 期末考試 (Term-end Examination):70%
Mid-term Examination: 30% Term-end Examination: 70%
100 30% + 70% = 100%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[LAN202]
授課教師 Teacher:馮耀明
修課班級 Class:哲學系2-4
選課備註 Memo:中哲
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 21 人。

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