course information of 108 - 2 | 0369 Maurice Blanchot's(原典:布朗肖《文學空間》)

0369 - 原典:布朗肖《文學空間》 Maurice Blanchot's

教育目標 Course Target

畢卡索在2D畫布上創造立體派,文學在字與字之間創生空間,通過內外翻轉,凹摺與攤展人的思考,布朗肖嘗試以《文學空間》啟動人類腦殼內的一次地質層變動。此作不止關乎文學與書寫,更是對於孤獨、死亡、靈感、他者、需求、瘋狂、經驗、未來與想像等與人之為人的切身相關思想的總提問。人一生只能選擇成為一種人,因而人需要文學,在文學所創造的想像空間裡,成為他所不是之人,為他所不曾為、也不能為之事,思考他所未曾思考之事,由是成為超越自身有限經驗的無限之人。文學空間不僅是屬於文學的空間,更是萊布尼茲所謂凹摺了整個宇宙的最小單子,波赫士筆下可以凝視萬物的阿萊夫窺孔,王爾德認為現實世界模仿的對象,以及能夠揭露無限的秘密的關鍵之鑰。本課程的目的在探索什麼是此空間的建築術,並通過置身此空間,重新思考關於孤獨、死亡、未來等,那些人之為人的事。Picasso created Cubism on a 2D canvas, and literature creates space between words. By turning inside and outside, folding and spreading people's thinking, Blanchot tried to use "Literary Space" to initiate a geological process in the human brain. layer changes. This work is not only about literature and writing, but also a general question about loneliness, death, inspiration, others, needs, madness, experience, future and imagination, and other thoughts that are closely related to human beings. People can only choose to be one kind of person in their life, so people need literature. In the imagination space created by literature, they can become someone they are not, do things they have not done or cannot do, think about things they have never thought about, and thus become The infinite man who transcends his own limited experience. Literary space is not only a space that belongs to literature, but also the smallest monad that Leibniz calls the concave dent of the entire universe. The Aleph peephole in Borges's works that can gaze at all things. Oscar Wilde believes that the real world is imitated and can reveal the world. The key to infinite secrets. The purpose of this course is to explore what the architecture of this space is, and to rethink things about being human, such as loneliness, death, and the future, by being in this space.

參考書目 Reference Books

Maurice Blanchot(1955). L'espace littéraire. Paris: Gallimard.
Maurice Blanchot(1989). The Space of Literature. University of Nebraska Press .
Blanchot, "Literary Space", Business, 2003.
Maurice Blanchot(1955). L'espace littéraire. Paris: Gallimard.
Maurice Blanchot(1989). The Space of Literature. University of Nebraska Press.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class participation
50 課堂提問與申論列入分數計算
midterm review report
25 分析文本與問題化討論
End of period review report
25 分析文本與問題化討論

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8,9[HT109]
授課教師 Teacher:潘怡帆
修課班級 Class:哲學系2-4
選課備註 Memo:西哲,通識中心3268課程雙掛
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 52 人。

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