course information of 108 - 2 | 0319 Study of Modern Japanese(日本近現代表象文化論(二))

0319 - 日本近現代表象文化論(二) Study of Modern Japanese

教育目標 Course Target

日本文學在近代化的過程中不但在呈現的形式手法上有了極大的轉變,在題材的選擇以及內容也展現了前所未見的面貌。在一般的文學史記述中,我們不難看到許多備受推崇的著名作家與其代表作品的介紹,但是,審思近代化的過程中,除了大量的西洋文化被積極地吸收消化,大眾文化的崛起及其所帶來的影響亦是不容忽視的。上半學期以日本近現代小說為主,本學期則以次文化作品諸如動漫畫、輕小說為分析素材,藉由分析來檢視日本文學在進入近代化之後的變化與意義,思考日本近現代的社會是如何利用這些作品來再現、生產與消費,並進而由各個面向來探討這些對文化、社會會產生什麼影響,以培養選修者學會思考自己在置身於這樣的生產消費場域中,該如何面對〔文學〕或〔文化〕現象。In the process of modernization, Japanese literature has not only undergone great changes in the form and techniques of presentation, but has also shown an unprecedented aspect in the choice of subject matter and content. In the general description of literary history, it is not difficult to see the introduction of many well-respected famous writers and their representative works. However, in the process of modernization, in addition to the active absorption and digestion of a large amount of Western culture, the rise of popular culture And its impact cannot be ignored. The first half of the semester focused on modern Japanese novels. This semester, subcultural works such as anime comics and light novels are used as analytical materials. Through analysis, we will examine the changes and significance of Japanese literature after entering modernization, and think about the development of modern Japanese literature. How society uses these works to reproduce, produce and consume, and then explore the impact these have on culture and society from various aspects, so as to train electives to learn how to think about themselves in such a production and consumption field. Facing [literary] or [cultural] phenomena.

課程概述 Course Description

This course uses image works as the analysis object. On the one hand, it absorbs the knowledge of image analysis through reading and research, and at the same time, it learns the trends and methods of Japanese representation research. Through image analysis exercises, we will think about and explore how people, events, and objects in image works are presented and their impact on society.

參考書目 Reference Books

No specific textbook is used for this subject.
The reference materials of each work will be made from legally public materials on the Internet, and the electives can download and read them by themselves or purchase and read them by themselves.
The analytical works will be announced in the first class, and the selected reading works may be adjusted after the start of the semester depending on the status of the electives.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Exam/Written Report
Class participation/performance during discussions

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/5,6[HT302]
授課教師 Teacher:蕭幸君
修課班級 Class:日文系1-4
選課備註 Memo:Ⅱ類。本課程以大四修習為佳。不開放推廣部附讀。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 45 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 45 人。

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