course information of 108 - 2 | 0002 Arts Festival Events Planning and Management(藝術節慶活動策劃與經營)

0002 - 藝術節慶活動策劃與經營 Arts Festival Events Planning and Management

教育目標 Course Target

好的藝術活動對於國家文化提升具有其正面意義,而節慶活動之規劃則與觀光產業之結合則有緊密的關係,因此如果將藝術節慶活動兩者合併規劃辦理,對於文化產業、藝文人口培養以及觀光產業都具有重要的影響力,尤其好的藝術節慶活動對於文化產業發展與提升具有相當指標之意義,而各國表演藝術節慶活動之規劃更有其文化內涵與特色,因此有許多成功的案例更成就了國家文化指標。 台灣近年來辦理了相當多的藝術節慶活動,有成功成為城市品牌,提升城市文化指標,也有曇花一現未留下任何痕跡,而如何借鏡國外已辦理持久的文化節慶活動經營與營運概念分享是本課程的主要目標, 本課程內容將深入淺出的介紹重要藝術節慶活動,分享策畫與執行經驗,同時將成功藝術節慶活動的經營理念發展讓學生認識及體驗,培養成為未來的藝術創意尖兵。Good art activities have a positive significance for the promotion of national culture, and the planning of festival activities is closely related to the integration of the tourism industry. Therefore, if the art festival activities are planned and managed together, it will have a positive impact on the cultural industry and the cultivation of the artistic population. As well as the tourism industry, they all have an important influence. In particular, good art festivals have considerable indicator significance for the development and promotion of the cultural industry. The planning of performing arts festivals in various countries has more cultural connotations and characteristics, so there are many successful cases. It has also achieved national cultural indicators. Taiwan has organized quite a few art festivals in recent years, some of which have successfully become city brands and improved the city's cultural indicators, while others have been short-lived and left no trace. How to learn from the management and operation concepts of long-lasting cultural festivals that have been handled abroad is this article. The main objectives of the course are The content of this course will introduce important art festival activities in simple and easy-to-understand terms, share planning and execution experience, and at the same time develop the business philosophy of successful art festival activities so that students can understand and experience them, so as to cultivate them into future artistic and creative leaders.

參考書目 Reference Books

歐洲音樂節慶之旅/Roberta Gottesman精英出版社
European Music Festival Tour/Roberta Gottesman Elite Publishing
Late Night Confessions on a Gorgeous Stage --- Tips for Producing Blockbuster Shows/written by Lin Jiaying and Zhao Jingyu, Youle Publishing Co., Ltd.
The development of creative cities and cultural parks, taking the "National Two Halls Park" as an example/written by Yang Qiwen, published by Normal University Bookstore

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class attendance
30 上課出席率與學習態度有直接之關聯性,因此出席率在本課程中佔相當重要之比率
course learning participation
20 課程當中互動與準備對於課程參與後之學習成效有其直接影響
interim report
20 期中繳交觀察藝術節慶活動心得報告,對於此課程接續之學習有其重要之關係
Final report
30 期末藝術節慶活動研析報告,對於整學期之課程學習成效佔最重要之比例,同學務必全力配合

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/8,9[H307]
授課教師 Teacher:林佳瑩
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4 (文學院開)
選課備註 Memo:文創學程學生優先選課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 53 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 53 人。

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