七、「畢業創作自述」的分析、歸納、書寫與指導討論。藉由平面媒材專題製作課題,培養個別思考及整合能力,並總結專業學習之創作或論述發表的專業能力1. Through the appreciation of modern painters, learn the development and experiments of various expression techniques, strengthen the ability to combine sketching and creation, and deepen and stimulate the growth of the concept of expression.
2. In response to the direction of specific creative themes, understand the traditional process of development of its style, and establish the independent characteristics of self -creation. At the same time, through the summary of the self -learning process, the staged creative direction is summarized.
3. Establish the direction of their own creative themes, and use the course introduction to explore the artist's creative method and understand the evolution of the relationship between the style of the work and the creator.
Fourth, through practical operation and practice, as well as solid sketch production and practice, data collection and analysis, thinking with the creation and series of integration, guiding the creative power and completion, and the current potential and independence of tables can be stimulated by tables and independence. Creative ability.
V. Jiaocai creation: emphasize the discussion and experiments of materials, and exploration and analysis of self -creative style and techniques.
6. Ink and ink creation: Emphasize creative themes and relative practices of pen and ink, and explore and summarize self -style and techniques, and at the same time extend the creation of a series.
7. Analysis, induction, writing, and guidance of "graduation creation self -report". Through the topic production of graphic media, cultivate individual thinking and integration capabilities, and summarize the professional ability published by professional learning or discussions
According to the differences in the field of repair, cultivate independent professional creations and discuss integration capabilities.
■ 主要參考書籍/資料 (Textbooks and References) (教科書遵守智慧財產權觀念不得非法影印)
十一、台灣現代美術大系 水墨編‧六冊。台北:藝術家。
■ Main reference books /materials (Textbooks and References)
1. Jiaocai related albums and Japanese art history related books.
2. "Science of Ancient Fine Arts — Materials, Techniques を Discussion", Small mouth, Shiro Shiro, Japanese book strain club.
Third, "When I was in the Year of the Japanese Painting", Wu Gang Hengfu, ぺ り か か ん.
Fourth, "History of Japanese Art" Wang Xiuxiong, National History Museum.
5. "History of Japanese Art" Li Qinxian, Lion Book Co., Ltd..
6. "Modern Spectrum of Japanese Fine Arts" Li Qinxian, Lion Lion Book Co., Ltd..
7. Lin Gong, Hakki Muchang, translated by Liao Ruifen, artist publishing house.
8. ArtistS JAPAN, Tong Pengshe.
Nine, the artist biography series "Jiang Zhaoshen, Yu Chengyao, Chen Qikuan ...". Taipei: Lion Art.
10. The modern ink painting of Taiwan's modern ink painting "Heart Heart, Fu Yifu, Zhang Daqian ...". Taipei: Artist.
11. Taiwan's modern art is ink and ink editor ‧ 6 volumes. Taipei: Artist.
Twelve, He Huaishuo. "Give Future Artists". Taipei: Lixu. 2003.
13. Edited by Zhang Guzhen. "From sketching to creation". China: China Academy of Fine Arts Press. 2001.
Fourteen, Jiang Shoutian. "History of Contemporary Chinese Painting School of Painting". Hangzhou: Xiling Yinshe. 2007.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時創作進度與完成度平時創作進度與完成度 Usually creative progress and completion |
50 | 膠彩:五十號左右作品四件、水墨:全開或十才作品四件 |
畢業製作:「畢業創作自述」畢業製作:「畢業創作自述」 Graduation production: "Graduation creation self -description" |
25 | 1000字-1500字 |
學習態度、出席、作業繳交狀況學習態度、出席、作業繳交狀況 Learning attitude, attending, and assignment payment status |
25 | 全學期無故缺課3次以上扣考 |