探討藝術在東西方人類社會歷史變遷與文明浪潮之下衍生的種種相關概念及可能內容;並透過閱讀和文本解析,建構個人獨立觀點,嘗試問題意識的提出。對於東西方藝術特質有基本認識並有能力分析其差異,有能力深入各種藝術類型及作品進行多元的價值詮釋和風格探討。Explore the various related concepts and possible contents derived from the historical changes of human society and the tide of civilization; and through reading and text analysis, we can build personal independent viewpoints and try to propose the awareness of the problem. There is a basic understanding and the ability to analyze the differences in the artistic traits of the Eastern and Western Eastern and Western Eastern and Western Eastern and Western Eastern and Western Eastern and Western.
影像的閱讀/John Berger/遠流
現代藝術的故事/Norbert Lynton/聯經
Introduction to Art/Jiang Xun/Donghua Book Bureau
Reading of Images/John Berger/Yuanliu
The story of art /e.t.gombrich/ Lian Jing
Story of Modern Art/Norbert Lynton/Lian Jing
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席及課程參與出席及課程參與 Attendance and curriculum participation |
20 | |
筆記及報告筆記及報告 Notes and reports |
40 | |
期中期末測試期中期末測試 Mid -term end test |
40 |