高齡膳食服務課程是以營養學為基礎,針對高齡銀髮族所需要的營養(六大營養素)進行評估、設計所需要的熱量、菜單、飲食建議以及常見的健康問題進行討論與提出解決方案,本課程目標在提升學員對於銀髮族的營養健康有所具體概念,並且培養具有健康衛教的能力。The elderly dietary service courses are based on nutrition and evaluate the heat, menu, dietary recommendations, and common health issues required for the nutrition (six nutrients) required by the old silver -haired people. The course goal is to improve the specific concept of the nutritional and health of the silver -haired family, and to cultivate the ability of health and health education.
3.生命期營養學/ 藝軒出版社
6.營養學 徐成金等人著 華格納企業2012.9第三版
7.Krause’s FOOD, NUTRITION, and DIET THERAPY,10th edition. SAUNDERS.
1. Elderly Nutrition /Hergea Publishing House (2014 Edition)
2. Consumption of diet and nursing /Hyoga Publishing House
3. Life Nutrition / Yixuan Publishing House
4. Food Nutrition Introduction, Xiao Ningxin, Shixin Publishing Co., Ltd., 2009, 2 edition
5. Nutrition assessment, Wu Xingjuan, Wu Jiajuan, Jin Huimin, Wu Shuhui .. Waiting for it, Wargner Publishing House
6. Nutrition Xu Chengjin and others are in the third edition of Wargner Enterprise 2012.9
7. Krause ’s Food, Nutrition, and Diet Therapy, 10th Edition. Saunders.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
35 | 單一選擇題,40題,電腦畫卡 |
出席出席 Attend |
30 | 不定期點名 |
分組報告分組報告 Group report |
35 |