course information of 106 - 2 | 8322 Theory and Instruction Method for Pilates and Yoga(II)(皮拉提斯與瑜珈理論與指導(二))

Taught In English8322 - 皮拉提斯與瑜珈理論與指導(二) Theory and Instruction Method for Pilates and Yoga(II)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為彼拉提斯與瑜珈理論與指導。課程分為上下學期,上學期主要為建立瑜珈理論與指導技術能力為目的,下學期則以彼拉提斯為主軸訓練。課程目的希望透過上下學期課程,讓學生具備帶領一堂完整的初級瑜珈與彼拉提斯課程的實務能力。讓學生了解彼拉提斯的運動原則,認識身體正確的排列線及核心肌群,透過每一次課堂中的練習,有效地改善不良姿勢及能有意識的控制身體,進而學會觀察他人身體,給予適當的矯正及指導。學期中開始加入彈力帶的訓練,挑戰肌肉的控制能力,也學習更多動作的變化。This course is the theory and guidance of Pilates and Yoga. The curriculum is divided into last semester. The last semester was mainly for the purpose of establishing yoga theory and guidance technical capabilities. In the next semester, Biratis was trained as the main axis. The purpose of the course is hoped that through the courses of the previous semester, students will have the practical ability to lead a complete junior yoga and Piratis courses. Let students understand the principles of Pilates's movement, understand the correct lines and core muscle groups of the body, and through every practice in the class, effectively improve the bad posture and control the body consciously, and then learn to observe the body of others, give it to give it, give it to give it Appropriate correction and guidance. During the semester, the training of elastic bands began to challenge muscle control ability, and also learned more changes in movements.

參考書目 Reference Books

Kaminoff, Leslie, 謝維玲譯,2009,瑜珈解剖書,大家出版社。
Kaminoff, Leslie, translated by Xie Weiling, 2009, yoga anatomy, everyone publishing house.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
10 課堂出席率
40 對於課程的投入與參與程度
Final report
20 課程總結及課後心得
Final Trial Education
30 課程規劃與實際試教呈現

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/12,13[P1621]
授課教師 Teacher:郭恬如
修課班級 Class:運健學程1-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 19 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 19 人。

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