應用統計學這一門課可以讓學生具備基礎的統計原理、以及統計工具在生活當中的應用,修習完本課程之後,學生們可以對於坊間一般的新聞雜誌、媒體的統計內容,能夠有更全新的觀點與解讀。另外,在修習完本門課以後,學生也可以讓自已日常生活當中的一切事物,能夠以統計的角度去思考與應用。另外,本堂課也教授同學們使用簡單基礎的統計軟體--EXCEL,透過對於EXCEL的使用與熟悉,同學們更能夠掌握到統計的應用,以及統計資料處理的便利性,以便開啟學生們對於統計的興趣。Application statistics can allow students to have basic statistical principles and the application of statistical tools in life. After taking this course, students can have more new news magazines and media statistics in the workshop. Perspective and interpretation. In addition, after taking this course, students can also allow everything in their daily life to think and apply from a statistical perspective. In addition, the classmates also taught students to use simple basic statistical software-EXCEL. Through the use and familiarity of EXCEL, students can better grasp the application of statistics and the convenience of statistical data processing, so that students can open the students for statistics for statistics. Interest.
Li Dezhi, Tong Zhiling, 2006, "Application Statistics", Taipei: Pokpox Culture Publishing.
Lectures in class were distributed.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Secondary entrance examination |
45 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
45 | |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
10 |