course information of 106 - 2 | 7179 Cultural Landscape: Theory and Practice(文化景觀理論與實務)

Taught In English7179 - 文化景觀理論與實務 Cultural Landscape: Theory and Practice

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的主要目標在於: 1.介紹世界潮流中景觀專業在世界襲產與文化景觀保育運動中的幾個新思維及研究的方向。 2.藉由相關文化景觀文献及檔案文件的討論設計理論,針對相關實務案例的文化景觀研究(cultural landscape studies)的國際視野加以論述襲產地景的設計。 3.使學生具備對台灣的環境景觀有更深刻的思考能力,建立同學們對於台灣相關個案的問題與解決策略的論述。 本課程的核心議題在於辯思文化景觀變遷與社會過程之關連,課程關心的問題是景觀設計在: 1,不同的景觀文化象徵意義為何? 2,如何在不同歷史階段與不同的社會脈絡下被建構? 3,這些景觀與該社會之生產與分配有何關係?本課程將介紹課程內容將以三部份理論、設計方法及相關案例的介紹。 透過台灣案例的演練讓學生由案例中建立相關研究課題,進行初步的研究。 以達到同學日後對於文化景觀保育研究與設計實務方面的能力培養。 包括景觀建築、都市規劃與設計、藝術史、文學批評、文化地理學、都市社會學、都市人類學等不同學科對文化景觀的批判分析。 研究對象則包括了文化景觀理論探討,人為營造環境與自然生態環境,城市與鄉村,制度性景觀與非正式景觀。 研究當前所謂現代景觀及後現代景觀的相關論;探索「後現代景觀設計」的社會意義與生產過程為研究核心。The main goals of this course are: 1. Introduce some new ideas and research directions of world trend medium-scene viewing professionals in world industry and cultural landscape conservation sports. 2. Through the discussion and design of relevant cultural landscape documents and file documents, the design of the landscape landscape is discussed in the international perspective of cultural landscape studies of relevant practical cases. 3. Enable students to have a deeper thinking ability on Taiwan’s environmental landscape view, and establish students’ discussions on problems and solutions to related cases in Taiwan. The core topic of this course is to reflect on the connection between cultural landscape transformation and social process. The problem that the course is concerned about is landscape design in: 1. What are the symbols of different landscape cultures? 2. How can it be constructed under different historical stages and different social connections? 3. What is the relationship between these landscapes and production and distribution of this society? This course will introduce the course contents in three parts of theory, design methods and related cases. Through the practice of Taiwan cases, students can establish related research topics from the cases and conduct preliminary research. This will achieve the ability to cultivate students' research and design practices in cultural landscape conservation in the future. It includes critical analysis of cultural landscapes in different subjects such as landscape architecture, urban planning and design, art history, literature criticism, cultural geography, urban society, and urban humans. The research objects include cultural landscape theory exploration, humans create environments and natural ecological environments, cities and villages, institutional landscapes and informal landscapes. Research the current related discussions about modern landscapes and postmodern landscapes; explore the social meaning and production process of "postmodern landscape design" as the core of the research.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.王志弘、余佳玲、方淑惠譯,(2003),文化地理學 (Crang, M.原著),台北:巨流。

2. UNESCO World Heritage Center. (2008). Operational guidelines for the implementation of the world heritage conservation.

3. UNESCO World Heritage Center. (2003). Cultural landscapes: The challenges of conservation. Proceedings of the conference: World Heritage 2002, Shared Legacy, Common Responsibility, 11 - 12 November 2002 Ferrara, Italy. World Heritage Papers 7, 2002 (F).

4. Roe, M. & Taylor, K. (Eds.). (2014). New cultural landscapes. Oxon, UK: Routledge.

5. Taylor, K., Clair, A. S., & Mitchell, N. J. (2015). Conserving cultural landscapes: Challenges and new directions. New York, NY: Routledge.


7. 其他指定閱讀資料。
1. Wang Zhihong, Yu Jialing, Fang Shuhui, (2003), Cultural Geography (Crang, M. Original), Taipei: Juliu.

2. UNESCO World Heritage Center. (2008). Operational guidelines for the implementation of the world heritage conservation.

3. UNESCO World Heritage Center. (2003). Cultural landscapes: The challenges of conservation. Proceedings of the conference: World Heritage 2002, Shared Legacy, Common Responsibility, 11 - 12 November 2002 Ferrara, Italy. World Heritage Papers 7, 2002 (F).

4. Roe, M. & Taylor, K. (Eds.). (2014). New cultural landscapes. Oxon, UK: Routledge.

5. Taylor, K., Clair, A. S., & Mitchell, N. J. (2015). Conserving cultural landscapes: Challenges and new directions. New York, NY: Routledge.

6. The teacher edits the book himself.

7. Other specified reading data.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participate in class
20 出席率與上課討論參與
Document reading and guidance
30 依據進度由老師指定

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[景觀系館]
授課教師 Teacher:侯錦雄/黃章展
修課班級 Class:景觀碩2
選課備註 Memo:景觀碩一可修習
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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