course information of 106 - 2 | 7174 Multivariate Analysis(多變量分析)

Taught In English7174 - 多變量分析 Multivariate Analysis

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標: 一、教導學生如何將「研究流程」、「研究架構」與「統計分析程序」進行一個緊密的連結; 二、教導學生如使用SPSS與LISREL套裝軟體,進行景觀建築與休閒遊憩領域中常用的各種多變量統計分析方法; 三、讓學生了解如何在期刊論文中呈現統計分析的結果。 課程內涵: 一、基礎統計原理、推論統計原理; 二、資料處理、描述性統計; 三、低階多變量分析; 四、探索性因素分析; 五、集群分析; 六、迴歸分析; 七、驗證性因素分析; 八、線性結構模式。Course Target: 1. Teach students how to connect “research process”, “research structure” and “statistic analysis procedures” in a tight connection; 2. Teach students to use SPSS and LISREL software to carry out various multi-variable statistical analysis methods commonly used in landscape architecture and leisure and leisure areas; 3. Let students understand how to present the results of statistical analysis in journal articles. Course content: 1. Basic statistical principles and recommended statistical principles; 2. Data processing and descriptive statistics; 3. Low-level multi-variable analysis; 4. Exploring factor analysis; 5. Cluster analysis; 6. Recitation analysis; 7. Analysis of verified factors; 8. Linear structure pattern.

課程概述 Course Description

Fields in the biological, physical and social sciences frequently collect observations involved several variables. Data analysis on such cases becomes truly fascinating and challenging. Modern computer packages readily provide the techniques for complex statistical data analysis. Therefore, we integrate several aspects of computer usage into the course for illustration. This course contains an understanding of the basic knowledge and well-developed statistical theories necessary for selecting appropriate techniques in a wide variety of application environments. Some topics including principal analysis, factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis, discriminant analysis, clustering and classification analysis etc. are contained in the course.
Fields in the biological, physical and social sciences frequently collect observations involved several variables. Data analysis on such cases becomes truly fascinating and challenging. Modern computer packages readily provide the techniques for complex statistical data analysis. Therefore, we integrate several aspects of computer usage into the course for illustration. This course contains an understanding of the basic knowledge and well-developed statistical theories necessary for selecting appropriate techniques in a wide variety of application environments. Some topics including principal analysis, factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis, discriminant analysis, clustering and classification analysis etc. are contained in the course.

參考書目 Reference Books

4.王保進,(2004),多變量分析,台北:高等教育 (02-2388-5899)。
5.賴虹燕譯、酒井隆著,( 2004),問卷設計、市場調查與統計分析實務入門,台北:博碩文化。
8.劉宏裕等譯 (Gratton, Chris & Jones, Ian原著),( 2007),運動研究方法,台北:華都文化。
9.Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson, Tatham. (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

1. Qiu Haozheng, (2002), Quantitative research and statistical analysis: Analysis of SPSS Chinese window version data analysis examples (second edition), Taipei: Wunan.
2. Qiu Haozheng, (2005), Quantitative Research Method (I), Taipei: Double Leaf.
3. Qiu Haozheng, (2005), Quantitative Research Method (II), Taipei: Double Leaf.
4. Wang Baojin, (2004), Multivariate Analysis, Taipei: Higher Education (02-2388-5899).
5. Feng Hong Yan Lu, Takashi Sakai, (2004), Question Design, Market Survey and Statistical Analysis and Initiative, Taipei: Bosing Culture.
6. Xu Wenlong, (2007), The best practical book for multivariate analysis—SPSS+LISREL(SEM), Taipei: Guifeng.
7. Huang Junying, (2000), Multivariate Analysis, Taipei: China Economic Enterprise Research Institute.
8. Liu Hongyu et al. (original work by Gratton, Chris & Jones, Ian), (2007), Sports Research Methods, Taipei: Huadu Culture.
9.Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson, Tatham. (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
10. Translation by Chen Zhaorong (original work by Gao Qiaoxin), the world's first simple statistical factor analysis, Taipei: Shimao.
11. Translation by Chen Zhaorong (original work by Gao Qiaoxin), the world's first simple statistical analysis chapter, Taipei: Shimao.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Sub-group Report no.1 - Descriptive Statistics
Sub-group Report no.2 - Low-level Multivariate Analysis
Sub-group report no.3-exploratory factor analysis

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[景觀系館]
授課教師 Teacher:黃宜瑜
修課班級 Class:景觀碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:本系MSLA學生必選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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