(4)習得個案研究的方案設計與實證方法培養學生習得如何採用個案研究法進行文化與創意產業學術研究,介紹個案研究法如何應用於文化與創意產業個案專題研究,習得個案研究的方案設計與證據分析。(1) How to use the study method of students to obtain academic research
(2) Introduce how the case research method is applied to the topic of the case of cultural and creative industries
(3) Use quality analysis software in case research and analysis
(4) The design and empirical methods of obtaining case research cultivate students' acquisition of how to use the case research method for cultural and creative industry academic research, and introduce how the case research method is applied to the special research of cultural and creative industries. Evidence analysis.
In recent years, cultural and creative industries (referred to as cultural and creative industries) have led another wave of national economic growth due to the successful investment and promotion of cultural and creative industries in various countries. Cultural and creative industries refer to the accumulation of creative or cultural accumulation. Through the formation and application of smart property, it has the potential to create wealth and employment opportunities, and promote the aesthetic literacy of the whole people, and enhance the national living environment. The case research method is an experience -oriented survey method. This survey method is based on in -depth study of current social phenomena and real life. Then to deal with unique events, there are a lot of "variables" in the incident, so they need to rely on evidence of different sources. If the data results are consistent, the theoretical prototype can be developed, and future data collection and analysis can be guided. In the course, discuss cultural and creative industries and trends, understand the theory and application of quality case research laws, and investigate and analyze the research of the operation.
Case Study Research Design and Methods (3e)
原文作者╱ Robert K. Yin 著
作 者╱ 周海濤、李永賢、張蘅 譯?楊雪倫校訂
出版社別╱ 五南
出版日期╱ 2011/06/23 (1版 2刷)
其他 : 講師自備講義
Case Study -Design and Method
Case Study Research Design and Methods (3e)
Original author /Robert K. Yin
Translated by authors / Zhou Haitao, Li Yongxian, Zhang Yan? Yang Xuelun scores
Publisher /Five South
Publishing date/2011/06/23 (1 version 2 brush)
Others: Lecturer has to give myself a lecture on its own
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Usual grade |
20 | |
平時作業成績平時作業成績 Usually operating results |
20 | |
期中成績期中成績 Mid -term score |
30 |