course information of 106 - 2 | 7097 The Ecological Approach to Design(生態行為與設計論)

Taught In English7097 - 生態行為與設計論 The Ecological Approach to Design

教育目標 Course Target

本學期之《生態行為與設計論》課程,乃以生態心理學之環境認知理論作為學術研究基礎,主要透過團體閱讀討論及田野研究的教學模式,引導學生從日常生活環境中發生的人事物樣貌中,重新體認其對自然元素(光、影、材料、質地…等)、生態法則(感官、行為、認知、律動、能源循環…等)、環境價值(空間氛圍、Affordance…等)的體感經驗與心靈感受,強化感官知覺能力與環境互動內容,並重新檢視「物對人、物對生活、物對環境」的意義,從而建立具人文思維的設計觀。首先透過專書閱讀建立研究理論基礎,再由修課學生組成研究團隊,透過「參與-體驗-問題探索-提案對策-環境回饋」之「環境共生設計」流程,並應用生態心理學與環境知覺相關理論知識,對選定之場域進行系統性、具生態行為概念之田野研究。The course of "Eco-Behavior and Design" in this period uses the environmental awareness theory of ecological psychology as the basis of academic research. It mainly guides students to re-understand their natural elements (light, shadow, materials, quality, etc.) and ecological methods from the appearance of people, things and appearances that occur in daily life environments. (sense, behavior, awareness, law, energy circulation, etc.), environmental value (space atmosphere, Affordance, etc.), strengthen the interactive content of sensory perception ability and the environment, and re-examine the meaning of "things to people, things to life, things to environment", and establish a humanistic design concept. First, we establish a research theory foundation through special reading, and then we form a research team from the course students to form a research team. Through the "Environmental Sympathy Design" process of "Accounting - Experience - Question Exploration - Proposal Countermeasures - Environmental Retrograde", we apply the relevant theoretical knowledge of ecological psychology and environmental knowledge to conduct systematic and ecological behavioral concepts on selected fields.

參考書目 Reference Books

深澤直人, 後藤武, 佐佐木正人(2004),デザインの生態学―新しいデザインの教科書,東京書籍(日本語)
深澤直人, 後藤武, 佐佐木正人(2004),黃友玫譯(2008),不為設計而設計=最好的設計:生態學的設計論,漫遊者文化(中譯本)
Fukasa Naoto, Goto Take, Masato Sasaki (2004), Ecology - New しいぇザザインの Textbook, Tokyo Books (Japanese)
Naoto Fukasa, Takeshi Goto, Masato Sasaki (2004), Yumo Mei Translation (2008), Design not for design = Best design: Design discussion of ecological learning, Traveler culture (Chinese translation)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Reading Report
30 閱讀內容摘錄之關鍵性、觀點陳述之主張性、理論應用之正確性與可行性
Field investigation oral report
30 調查內容之多元性、資料整理之系統性、資料內容之可應用性
Seminar discussion book
40 論文架構之完整性、研究方法之適切性、研究結論之價值性、寫作之流暢性

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:李俐慧
修課班級 Class:工設碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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