course information of 106 - 2 | 7056 Tectonic Becoming: Application and Research on Materiality(真切的構築:構築材料的運用與研究)

Taught In English7056 - 真切的構築:構築材料的運用與研究 Tectonic Becoming: Application and Research on Materiality

教育目標 Course Target

期望透過課程的介紹,讓同學了解構築的真實性,以及在建築上的意義。 課程內容包含有 1.構築材料的認識-建築的構築是由多種材料所複合建造而成的,學生必須透過對材料的認識了解各種材料的物質性,才能務實地、真切地完成設計。 2.構築的基本工法及材料的運用及整合-當學生對材料有了基本的認識之後,對於材料的使用,該如何使用?以及各種材料之間的複合界面整合等進行學習,以期能在不同的物理環境中創造出真切的構築。 案例介紹與研究探討-透過案例的介紹、研討,期望學生能真實地運用所學,找到構築的奧秘,將建築夢想真實呈現。It is hoped that through the introduction of the course, students can understand the authenticity of the structure and the meaning of the building. The course content contains 1. Knowledge of structural materials - The structure of a building is made up of multiple materials. Students must understand the material properties of various materials through their understanding of materials in order to complete the design in a practical and sincere manner. 2. Basic construction methods and materials use and integration - After students have a basic understanding of the materials, how should they be used for the use of materials? As well as the complex interface integration between various materials, we can learn, in order to create a real structure in different physical environments. Case introduction and research exploration - Through case introduction and research, students are expected to use what they have learned, find the secrets of the structure, and truly present the architectural dreams.

參考書目 Reference Books

《真切的構築:毓繡美術館設計與施工全紀錄》,2016,立‧建築工作所、清水建築工坊/合著, 劉克峰策畫, 陳辰后/撰稿。台北:田園城市。
"Real Architecture: Complete Record of Yuhuan Art Museum Design and Construction", 2016, Establishment of Architecture Works Office, Qingshui Architecture Workshop/Co-authored, Liu Kefeng Ceremony, Chen Chenhou/Written by. Taipei: Garden city.
"2016 Instrument", 2016, Wu Guangting and Huang Ruoxun/Editor, Taipei: Garden City
"2014 Instrument", 2014, Wang Junxiong and Wang Zengrong/Editor, Taipei: Garden City
"2012 Instrumental ing", 2012, Wu Guangting/Editor, Taipei: Garden City

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Presentation
25 出勤紀錄、上課態度
Midterm Report
25 依照上課內容做出的研究報告或心得分享
Final report
50 依照上課內容做出的研究報告或心得分享

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4,B
授課教師 Teacher:廖明彬
修課班級 Class:建築系3-5,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:雙週上課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 42 人。

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