此課程為線上課程十四周,實體上課為四周,其餘為線上課程教授與作業繳交.(第一二週為實體上課請務必到課否則退選,因為前二週老師需要帶領學生實作與了解日後如何線上學生.請務必配合 )本課程將以實際的巨量資料為核心,讓學生接觸實際的巨量資料計畫,並學習相關的方法與技術。 課 程會就資料的背景、來源、要解決的問題及相關的domain knowledge做說明。 接著,針對以下四個主 題:1.資料搜集、儲存與整理;2.模型建立與分析方法;3.結果呈現、說明與視覺化; 4.分析流程自動化軟體的雛型製作, 講述相關既存的概念、方法與實作工具,接著針對新穎方法進行討論。 This course is the fourteen weeks of online courses, the physical class is four weeks, and the rest are paid by the online course professor and homework. (For the first two weeks, please go to the class for the physical class, otherwise the election will be refunded, because the teacher needs to lead students to implement and understand how online students in the future. Please cooperate.) This course will take the actual huge amount of information as the core, so that let the actual amount of information as the core, let the core, let the core information as the core, so that let the actual amount of information as the core, let the core of the class, let the core, let the core information as the core, so that let the actual amount of information as the core, let the core of the data as the core, so that let the core information as the core, let the core of the class, let the core information as the core, let the core of the class, let the core information as the core, so that the actual amount of information will be the core, so that letting the actual amount of information is the core. Students come into contact with the actual huge amount of data program and learn related methods and technologies. The class will explain the background, source, problems to solve the information, and related Domain Knowledge. Then, for the following four themes: 1. Data collection, storage and sorting; 2. Model establishment and analysis methods; 3. Results presentation, explanation and visualization; 4. Analyze the prototype of the automation software of the process, tell the existing existing existing existing existing existing existing Concepts, methods and practical tools, and then discuss new methods.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Secondary entrance examination |
30 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | |
線上作業與收看教學影片線上作業與收看教學影片 Online homework and watching teaching videos |
5 |