course information of 106 - 2 | 6151 Cross-strait Industry Forum and Strategy(兩岸產業論壇與策略)

Taught In English6151 - 兩岸產業論壇與策略 Cross-strait Industry Forum and Strategy

教育目標 Course Target

隨著兩岸經貿事務接觸日益頻繁,加強對大陸的基本認識及心理準備,已成為當前之顯學。因此本課程設計目標旨在對大陸之經貿活動作研討分析,並透過與對岸著名大學EMBA師生上課交流,期能對兩岸經營管理制度之實際運作,提供正確的認識及加強對大陸的瞭解。 1.建立兩岸企業經營比較之基本概念, 2.熟悉中國企業經營之程序及各項技巧 3.瞭解如何與中國企業進行協商與互動 4.瞭解中國企業行銷、及人力資源管理之運作 5.熟悉中國大陸政治與文化環境、企業策略、企業組織透過兩岸EMBA學生互動及個案教學,讓學生對兩岸企業的運作有充分的瞭解,並熟悉中國大陸政治與文化環境、企業策略、企業組織、海外市場進入策略、行銷、及人力資源管理之運作。With the increasing contact between the two-strait trade affairs, strengthening basic understanding and psychological preparation for the mainland has become the current learning. Therefore, the design objectives of this course are designed to analyze and analyze trade activities in Mainland China, and through class exchanges with EMBA students from famous universities across the Taiwan Strait, we can provide correct understanding and strengthen understanding of Mainland China through international operations. 1. Establish a basic concept of comparing business operations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. 2. Familiar with the procedures and various skills of Chinese enterprise management 3. Understand how to negotiate and interact with Chinese companies 4. Understand the operations of China's enterprise marketing and human resource management 5. Familiar with the politics and cultural environment, corporate strategies, and corporate organizations in Mainland China through cross-strait EMBA student interaction and plan teaching, students can have a full understanding of the operations of cross-strait enterprises, and be familiar with the operations of Chinese mainland politics and cultural environment, corporate strategies, corporate organizations, overseas market entry strategies, marketing, and human resource management.

參考書目 Reference Books

Class materials according to the teaching staff.

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-1
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:曾俊堯
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:同步選課,4/21-22日密集上課並邀請大陸高校EMBA共同參與課程交流
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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