course information of 106 - 2 | 5870 Business Case Studies(企業個案選讀與研討)

Taught In English5870 - 企業個案選讀與研討 Business Case Studies

教育目標 Course Target

個案教學向來為管理領域重要之教學方法,透過對管理實務個案的研討,可讓同學將理論與實務結合,除可訓練其個人獨立思考分析的能力外,更可培養與他人協調溝通的能力,提昇團隊合作的精神。並鼓勵學生參加跨校管理個案競賽,不但可落實個案教學方案,透過競賽活動的舉辦,讓同學在準備比賽的過程中有體驗個案分析的機會外,透過與其他學校老師、學生的互動,更可增進學術與實務的視野,達成學術交流的目的。The teaching of a case is always an important teaching method in the management field. Through the discussion of management practice cases, students can combine theoretical discussions with practice. In addition to cultivating their personal ability to think and analyze independently, they can also cultivate the ability to communicate with others and enhance the spirit of teamwork cooperation. And encourage students to participate in the cross-school management case competition, not only can they implement a plan teaching plan, but also allow students to experience case analysis in the process of preparing for the competition, but also through interaction with teachers and students from other schools, they can also enhance their academic and practical vision and achieve the purpose of academic exchange.

參考書目 Reference Books

2.4. 教材

 競爭策略,波特,天下文化,2006
 金字塔原理:思考、寫作、解決問題的邏輯方法,芭芭拉.明托,經濟新潮社,2007

 外商顧問公司的超強簡報術,山口周,究竟出版,2014
 外商顧問超強資料製作術,森秀明,時報出版,2014
 麥肯錫不外流的簡報格式與說服技巧,高杉尚孝,大是文化,2014
 視覺溝通的法則:科技、趨勢與藝術大師的簡報創意學,南西.杜爾特,大寫出版,2012
 視覺溝通:讓簡報與聽眾形成一種對話,南西.杜爾特,大寫出版,2012


2.4. Textbook
Mainly speaking.

Select textbooks:
Business analysis strategy category
 Competitive strategy, Porter, World Culture, 2006
 Pyramid principle: logical method of thinking, writing, and solving problems, Barbara. Mingtuo, Economic Xinchao Society, 2007

Simplified skills
 Foreign consultant’s super-simplified report, Yamaguchi Wak, published, 2014
 Foreign consultant’s super-strong data production art, Mori Hideaki, Times Publishing, 2014
 McKenxi’s simple report format and convincing skills, Takasugi Naotaki, Dashi Culture, 2014
 The rules of visual communication: brief creative knowledge of science and technology, trends and art masters, South and West. Durt, University of Writing, 2012
 Visual communication: Let the report form a dialogue with the listener, south and west. Durt, University of Writing, 2012

Oral expression: TED

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/2,3,4[M479]
授課教師 Teacher:吳祉芸/楊溥泰
修課班級 Class:企管碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:限人工加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 31 人。

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