course information of 106 - 2 | 5735 Modern Information Assurance(新世代資訊安保)

Taught In English5735 - 新世代資訊安保 Modern Information Assurance

教育目標 Course Target

隨著資料科學、雲端計算、大數據、物聯網等技術快速發展,許多資訊都逐漸數位化、網路化,進入虛擬網路世界。然而,醫院與家庭醫護物聯網若資訊錯誤,可能造成急救延宕或診斷錯誤;汽車電腦若被駭客入侵,遠端遙控駕駛車輛,也將發生嚴重問題。為因應新興資訊科技快速進展,資訊安保已經成為刻不容緩的重要研究議題。本課程探討巨量資料、物聯網、雲端計算等應用領域的資訊安全保障議題,並介紹相關觀念與技術。With the rapid development of technologies such as data science, cloud computing, large data, and Internet of Things, many information has gradually become digital and networked, entering the virtual network world. However, if the information errors occur between the hospital and the Family Medical Network, it may cause delays in first aid or diagnosis errors; if the car computer is invaded by a guest, the remote remote control driving will also cause serious problems. Due to the rapid progress of new information technology, information security has become an important research topic that cannot be ignored. This course explores information security issues in application fields such as huge amounts of data, network, and cloud computing, and introduces related concepts and technologies.

參考書目 Reference Books

[1] Ishwor Khadka, Software piracy: A study of causes, effects and preventive measures, 2015
[2] Josiah Dykstra, Seizing Electronic Evidence from Cloud Computing Environments, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
[3] Peter Mell, Karen Kent, Joseph Nusbaum, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling, Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
[4] BIG DATA AND PRIVACY:A TECHNOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Executive, www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/pcast
[5] Robert Havighurst, User Identification and Authentication Concepts.
[6] JUN TANG, YONG CUI, and QI LI,Ensuring Security and Privacy Preservation for Cloud Data Services
[7] Rodrigo Roman, Pablo Najera, and Javier Lopez, Securing the Internet of Things.
[8] Andrew Martin, The ten-page introduction to Trusted Computing.
[9] Fuu-Cheng Jiang a, Chu-Hsing Lin a,⇑, Hsiang-Wei Wub Lifetime elongation of ad hoc networks under flooding attack using power-saving technique, Ad Hoc Networks 21 (2014) 84–96
[10] Joy Iong-Zong Chen & Chu-Hsing Lin, Algorithms for promoting anonymity of BS and for prolonging network lifetime of WSN, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
[11] Laurence T. Yang, Mobile Intelligence, Wiley, 2010.

[1] Ishwor Khadka, Software piracy: A study of causes, effects and preventive measures, 2015
[2] Josiah Dykstra, Seizing Electronic Evidence from Cloud Computing Environments, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
[3] Peter Mell, Karen Kent, Joseph Nusbaum, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling, Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
[4] BIG DATA AND PRIVACY:A TECHNOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Executive, www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/pcast
[5] Robert Havighurst, User Identification and Authentication Concepts.
[6] JUN TANG, YONG CUI, and QI LI,Ensuring Security and Privacy Preservation for Cloud Data Services
[7] Rodrigo Roman, Pablo Najera, and Javier Lopez, Securing the Internet of Things.
[8] Andrew Martin, The ten-page introduction to Trusted Computing.
[9] Fuu-Cheng Jiang a, Chu-Hsing Lin a,⇑, Hsiang-Wei Wub Lifetime elongation of ad hoc networks under flooding attack using power-saving technique, Ad Hoc Networks 21 (2014) 84–96
[10] Joy Iong-Zong Chen & Chu-Hsing Lin, Algorithms for promoting anonymity of BS and for prolonging network life of WSN, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
[11] Laurence T. Yang, Mobile Intelligence, Wiley, 2010.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance at ordinary times
40 出席與作業
Midterm Report
30 期中報告
Final report
30 期末報告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/11,12,13[ST318]
授課教師 Teacher:林祝興
修課班級 Class:資工系4,資訊專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:三大領域課程(物聯網、雲端計算、巨量資料);大四可選;延修生學分費以專班標準收取
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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