在外部資源部份本系規劃將從產、學、研三個方向下手來爭取重點領域相關的資源,在產業界方面將試著與業界如中華電信Hi-Cloud、Google、IBM、微軟、台達電、廣達合作,由他們提供更多的資源 (如雲端平台等) 於課程教學中。在學界方面,本系將與教育部補助資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫中的「雲端計算與服務」軟體創作跨校資源中心爭取網路計算服務或企業雲端服務相關資源給學生使用。而在研究方面將積極爭取與工研院雲端運算行動應用中心合作,安排課外參訪的活動,讓學生能了解應用領域目前的發展現況以及最新的研究成果。本課程的主要目標,在於讓學生了解雲端計算系統相關技術, 特別是在雲端計算系統上的實作與應用。本課程可使學生學習到符合未來發展趨勢的雲端計算系統之基礎原理與相關的實作技術,並且輔以數個雲端計算系統相關技術的實習和實作,以達到理論與實務兼備的教學目的。另外,為提高未來於各校推廣時的適用性,本計畫邀請國內相關領域教授進行教學模組及實驗模組的設計與規劃。其主要達成之目標如下:
•讓學生暸解與熟悉雲端計算系統的基本原理, 應用,實現的方法以及效能的考量。
•讓學生暸解與熟悉雲端計算之熱門議題,如:Iaas、PaaS、SaaS、全虛擬化、半虛擬化、網路虛擬化、儲存虛擬化、Shared Storage、分散式資料庫、Hadoop、MapReduce、Big Data。
•利用系統實作,達到理論與實務兼備的教學目的。譬如,學生將會學習虛擬化環境建置(實驗A:KVM安裝)、虛擬機器管理平台建置(實驗B:OpenNebula平台建置) 、虛擬資源管理平台建置(實驗C:OpenStack平台建置)、操作不同的雲端系統(實驗D:Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud系統應用,實驗E:Windows Azure系統應用,以及實驗F:Google App Engine系統應用)分散式資料庫建置(實驗G:Hadoop環境建置)、Hadoop MapReduce程式設計(實驗I:Hadoop MapReduce programming)與雲端儲存環境建置(實驗H:FreeNAS儲存系統建置)。
•邀請相關領域教授進行教學模組設計與規劃,以便未來推廣至各校,使其培育之資工人才可以成為我國雲端計算產業研發的主力。In the external resources part, this department will start from the three directions of industry, learning and research to compete for resources related to the key areas. In the industry, it will try to cooperate with industry circles such as China Telecom Hi-Cloud, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Tel.com, and Guangda, and provide more resources (such as cloud platform, etc.) in course tutorials. In the academic world, this department will use the "Cloud Computing and Service" software creation cross-school resource centers to use online computing services or enterprise cloud service-related resources for students. In terms of research, we will actively cooperate with the Cloud Computing Operations Application Center of the Institute of Technology Research and Technology to arrange extracurricular visits activities so that students can understand the current development situation in the application field and the latest research results. The main purpose of this course is to let students understand the technologies related to cloud computing systems, especially the implementation and application of cloud computing systems. This course allows students to learn the basic principles and related practical techniques of cloud computing systems that meet future development trends, and to implement and implement the relevant technologies of several cloud computing systems to achieve both theoretical and practical teaching purposes. In addition, in order to improve the applicability of various schools in the future, this plan invites domestic related fields to design and plan teaching modules and experiment modules. The main goals of the achievement are as follows:
•Sign up the course textbooks and experiment textbooks for cloud computing system technology development
•Let students understand and be familiar with the basic principles, applications, practical methods and performance considerations of cloud computing systems.
•Let students understand and be familiar with the hot topics of cloud computing, such as: Iaas, PaaS, SaaS, fully virtualized, semi-virtualized, online virtualized, storage virtualized, Shared Storage, decentralized database, Hadoop, MapReduce, Big Data.
• Improve students' interest in cloud computing systems and cultivate the available manpower of domestic cloud computing systems.
•Practice on the cloud computing system platform to understand the performance elements related to cloud computing.
•Use system implementation to achieve both theory and practice teaching purpose. For example, students will learn virtual environment construction (Experience A: KVM installation), virtual machine management platform construction (Experience B: OpenNebula platform construction), virtual resource management platform construction (Experience C: OpenStack platform construction), operate different cloud systems (Experience D: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud system application, Experiment E: Windows Azure system application, and Experiment F: Google App Engine system application) Decentralized database construction (Experience G: Hadoop environment construction), Hadoop MapReduce program design (Experience I: Hadoop MapReduce programming) and cloud storage environment construction (Experience H: FreeNAS storage system construction).
•In the learning process, cultivate students' ability to think independently and solve problems.
• Invite professors from relevant fields to design and planning teaching modules so that they can promote them to various schools in the future so that the workers they cultivate can become the main force in the research and development of our cloud computing industry.
Cloud Computing for Enterprise Architectures (Computer Communications and Networks) [Hardcover]
Zaigham Mahmood (Editor), Richard Hill (Editor)
cloud computing for enterprise architectures (computer communications and networks) [hardcover]
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
10 | |
作業作業 Action |
60 | |
PresentationPresentation presentation |
15 | |
Final ProjectFinal Project Final project |
15 |