course information of 106 - 2 | 5651 Modeling of Environmental Systems(環境工程模擬特論)

Taught In English5651 - 環境工程模擬特論 Modeling of Environmental Systems

教育目標 Course Target

This is a “problem-based learning” course that requires major participation and contribution from students. The students are expected to model fate and transport of environmental contaminants in ideal/non-ideal reactors and/or natural settings, using a variety of analytical and numerical approaches. Through example problems, students are expected to master the general mass balance equation - and apply it for various reactor configurations, system chemistry, input and boundary conditions. The students were asked to consider three aspects of environmental modeling: simulation (prediction), load allocation (design), and assimilation (determining changes in parameters needed to obtain a suitable output for a fixed load). Finally, the students are expected to present a modeling project, preferably closely related to their own thesis research. Students may work individually or in pairs (depending on the project topic), and are expected to demonstrate various levels of the modeling exercise for their problem (such as problem formulation, data gathering, verification, calibration, and sensitivity analyses).Review of basic concept of numerical methods for ODE and PDE - Methods involving first- and second-order accuracy - Runge-Kutta method - Finite difference methods Mathematical Modeling of - Fluid dynamics - Mass transport Reaction kinetics - Zero-, first-, second-order reaction - Elementary and non-elementary reactions - Series reaction and parallel reactions Modeling Application and Case Demonstration - Surface adsorption kinetics - Biological filtration Demonstration of modeling software and tools - FlexPDE v. 7.0 - COMSOL v. 4.1This is a “problem-based learning” course that requires major participation and contribution from students. The students are expected to model fate and transport of environmental contaminants in ideal/non-ideal reactors and/or natural settings, using a variety of analytical and numerical approaches. Through example problems, students are expected to master the general mass balance equation - and apply it for various reactor configurations, system Chemistry, input and boundary conditions. The students were asked to consider three aspects of environmental modeling: simulation (prediction), load allocation (design), and assimilation (determining changes in parameters needed to obtain a suitable output for a fixed load). Finally, the students are expected to present a modeling project, preferably closely related to their own thesis research. Students may work individually or in pairs (depend on the project topic), and are expected to demonstrate various levels of the modeling exercise for their problem (such as problem formulation, data gathering, verification, calibration, and sensitivity analysis).Review of basic concept of numerical methods for ODE and PDE - Methods involving first- and second-order accuracy - Runge-Kutta method - Finite difference methods Mathematical Modeling of - Fluid dynamics - Mass transport Reaction kinetics - Zero-, first-, second-order reaction - Elementary and non-elementary reactions - Series reaction and parallel reactions Modeling Application and Case Demonstration - Surface adsorption kinetics - Biological filtering Demonstration of modeling software and tools - FlexPDE v. 7.0 - COMSOL v. 4.1

參考書目 Reference Books

Air Pollution Control: A Design Approach, 3rd Edition, 1996, by C. D. Cooper and F. C. Alley, Waveland Press, Inc., Ill., USA.

Reference Textbooks:
Air Pollution Control Engineering, 2nd Edition., 2000, by Noel de Nevers, McGraw-Hill Co., New York (滄海圖書代理).

Air Pollution Control: A Design Approach, 3rd Edition, 1996, by C. D. Cooper and F. C. Alley, Waveland Press, Inc., Ill., USA.

Reference Textbooks:
Air Pollution Control Engineering, 2nd Edition., 2000, by Noel de Nevers, McGraw-Hill Co., New York (Yanhai Book Agent).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm examMidterm exam
midterm exam
Project performanceProject performance
project performance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7,8[S102]
授課教師 Teacher:鄧宗禹
修課班級 Class:環工系4,碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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