近年來生物醫學蓬勃發展,這門科學主要探討從分子生物學的角度來探討癌症,粒線體疾病及神經退化疾病相關的機制及調控。藉由文獻討論訓練大學部高年級學生及研究生學習研讀論文,實驗設計,及溝通表達之能力。Biomedicine has flourished in recent years. This science mainly explores the mechanisms and controls related to cancer, particle diseases and neurodegenerative diseases from the perspective of molecular biology. Through the literary discussion, senior students and graduate students in the university department, study and practice the ability to communicate and express.
Original papers from Neurodegenerative Diseases, Cancer biology and Mitochondrial Diseases
original papers from neurodegenerated diseases, cancer biology and mitochondrial diseases
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
Paper PresentationPaper Presentation paper presentation |
70 | |
DiscussionDiscussion Discussion |
30 |