course information of 106 - 2 | 5372 Special Topics on Solar Cell and PV System(太陽能電池及系統專題實作)

Taught In English5372 - 太陽能電池及系統專題實作 Special Topics on Solar Cell and PV System

教育目標 Course Target

課程模組大綱 課程大綱 授課時數 相關配套及實施方式說明 1. 矽晶太陽能電池結構、發電原理及特性分析:利用模組所發展的教材,以課堂授課方式解說 2. 矽晶太陽能電池製程原理、封裝及先進技術:利用模組所發展的教材,以課堂授課方式解說 3. 有機及染敏太陽能電池原理與實作:實驗實作 4. 晶片清洗及磷擴散製程:實驗實作 5. 晶片黃光顯影及蝕刻製程:實驗實作 6. 太陽能電池電性檢測:實驗實作 7. 太陽能發電系統:利用模組所發展的教材,以課堂授課方式解說 8. 升壓及降壓器模組整合:實驗實作 9. 控制器模組整合:實驗實作 10. 電氣監控模組整合:實驗實作 11. 儲能模組整合:實驗實作 12. 實驗成果檢核及修正建議:以口頭報告方式,進行各分組之太陽能系統成果檢核,並建議改良後再驗收 Course module Course Times Number of Teaching Related Support and Implementation Methods 1. Analysis of the structure, power generation principle and characteristics of silicon crystal solar battery: Use the textbooks developed by the module to explain it in class teaching method 2. Silicon crystal solar battery process principle, packaging and advanced technology: using textbooks developed by modules to explain in class teaching mode 3. Principles and implementation of organic and sensitive solar battery: experimental implementation 4. Wafer cleaning and phosphorus expansion process: experimental implementation 5. Shaper yellow light and etching process: experimental implementation 6. Solar battery performance detection: experimental implementation 7. Solar energy generation system: Use textbooks developed by modules to explain in class teaching mode 8. Integration of pressure lifting and pressure lowering modules: Experimental implementation 9. Controller module integration: experimental implementation 10. Integration of electric monitoring modules: Experimental implementation 11. Energy-enabled module integration: experimental implementation 12. Test results verification and correction suggestions: Through oral reporting, check the results of each sub-group solar system, and recommend improvement and acceptance.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. The Physics of Solar Cells (J. Nelson), Imperial College Press, 2003.
2. 太陽能電池:原理、元件、材料、製程與檢測技術 (翁敏航、楊茹媛、管鴻、晁成虎合著), 東華出版社, 2011.

1. The Physics of Solar Cells (J. Nelson), Imperial College Press, 2003.
2. Solar battery: principle, components, materials, process and detection technology (co-authored by Weng Minhang, Yang Ruyuan, Guan Dong, and Chao Chenghu), Donghua Publishing House, 2011.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
20 出席20%
Grouping of practical works
30 每次佔10% (3部分)
Final division of book report
20 第18周
Final division report
30 第14~17周

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-1246 Special Topics on Solar Cell and PV System / 太陽能電池及系統專題實作 (電機系3,4,授課教師:劉日新,四/5,6,7[HT002])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7,8[CH012]
授課教師 Teacher:賴英煌/張源杰/王迪彥
修課班級 Class:化學系4,碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:須修過有機材料化學
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 15 人。

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