course information of 106 - 2 | 5324 Quantum Mechanics (II)(量子力學(二))

Taught In English5324 - 量子力學(二) Quantum Mechanics (II)

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標 (Course Objectives) The fundamentals of quantum mechanics are introduced through a detailed discussion of the physics of intrinsic spin. Such an approach has a number of significant advantages. First, students find starting a course with something new both interesting and exciting. Second, spin systems provide us with many beautiful but straightforward illustrations of the essential structure of quantum mechanics. Third,students will see that wave mechanics is only one aspect of quantum mechanics, not the fundamental core of the subject. They see at an early stage that wave mechanics and matrix mechanics are just different ways of calculating based on the same underlying quantum mechanics. ■ 課程內涵 (Course Contents) 1. Stern-Gerlach Experiments 2. Rotation of Basis States and Matrix Mechanics 3. Angular Momentum 4. Time Evolution 5. A System of Two Spin-1/2 Particles 6. Wave Mechanics in One Dimension 7. The One-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator 8. Path Integrals 9. Translational and Rotational Symmetry in the Two-Body Problem 10. Bound States of Central Potentials 11. Time-Independent Perturbations 12. Identical Particles 13. Scattering 14. Photons and AtomsCourse Objectives The fundamentals of quantum mechanics are introduced through a detailed discussion of the physics of intrinsic spin. Such an approach has a number of significant advantages. First, students find starting a course with something new both interesting and exciting. Second, spin systems provide us with many beautiful but straightforward illustrations of the essential structure of quantum mechanics. Third,students will see that wave mechanics is only one aspect of quantum mechanics, not the fundamental core of the subject. They see at an early stage that wave mechanics and matrix mechanics are just different ways of calculating based on the same underlying quantum mechanics. ■ Course Contents 1. Stern-Gerlach Experiments 2. Rotation of Basis States and Matrix Mechanics 3. Angular Momentum 4. Time Evolution 5. A System of Two Spin-1/2 Particles 6. Wave Mechanics in One Dimension 7. The One-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator 8. Path Integrals 9. Translational and Rotational Symmetry in the Two-Body Problem 10. Bound States of Central Potentials 11. Time-Independent Perturbations 12. Identical Particles 13. Scattering 14. Photos and Atoms

課程概述 Course Description

※主要內容: 1.Approximation methods 2.Scattering theory (optional) ※培養學生核心能力: 1.理解與運用物理、數學知識 2.數值計算與數據分析 3.陳述、分析與解決問題 5.產業相關知識與技能
※Main content: 1.Approximation methods 2.Scattering theory (optional) ※Cultivate students' core abilities: 1. Understand and apply physics and mathematical knowledge 2. Numerical calculation and data analysis 3. Describe, analyze and solve problems 5. Industry-related knowledge and skills

參考書目 Reference Books

A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics
作者: Townsend, John S.
原文出版社:Univ Science Books
SCI-TECH Publishing Company Ltd.
106 台北市信義路三段162-46號
TEL: 886-2-27017353
FAX: 886-2-27011631

A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics
Author: Townsend, John S.
Original Publishing House: Univ Science Books
Publication date: 2012/02/24
Language: English 1188
University of Science and Technology Cultural Affairs Co., Ltd.
SCI-TECH Publishing Company Ltd.
106 No. 162-46, Section 3, Xinyi Road, Taipei City
TEL: 886-2-27017353
FAX: 886-2-27011631

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Assignments 20%Assignments 20%
assignments 20%
Mid-term exam 40%Mid-term exam 40%
mid-term exam 40%
Final exam 40%Final exam 40%
final exam 40%

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,Wednesday/2[ST132]
授課教師 Teacher:丁君毅
修課班級 Class:應物系4,碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:應物系4可選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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