course information of 106 - 2 | 5265 Seminar: Philosophy of Wang Yang-ming(善與義務:王陽明哲學研究)

Taught In English5265 - 善與義務:王陽明哲學研究 Seminar: Philosophy of Wang Yang-ming

教育目標 Course Target

陽明學可謂宋明理學一大高峰,其辨析精微、細入毫芒,固發宋儒所未發,其致良知教與知行合一說尤為識者所關注,揆其核心問題不外是「本體與功夫」之辯析。本課程帶領學生深入陽明哲學的文本,期使學生能更精準把握陽明學的精要,進而能提煉出其中深微的哲學意趣。Yangming studies can be regarded as a peak in the Song and Ming dynasties. Its analysis is subtle and detailed, which is a perfect experience that the Confucian scholars of the Song Dynasty have not yet developed. Their theory of conscience and the unity of knowledge and action is particularly concerned by those who understand. The core problem is nothing more than the analysis of "orthodontic and kung fu". This course leads students to deeply understand the text of Yangming Philosophical Learning, hoping that students can grasp the essence of Yangming more accurately and thus improve their profound philosophical interests.

參考書目 Reference Books

《王陽明傳習錄詳註集評》,陳榮捷 集評。臺北﹕臺灣學生書局,1988

"The Complete Book of Wang Yangming", thirty-eight volumes, edited by the (Qing Dynasty). The sixth year of the four libraries is published by Jingyin and Longqing.
"The Complete Book of Wang Yangming", full four volumes, thirty volumes. Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Bureau, 6th edition, 1979.
"The Complete Works of Wang Yangming" (Part 1 and Part 2). Editorial by Wu Guang, Mo Ming, Dong Ping and Yao Yanfu. Shanghai: Shanghai
Ancient Books Publishing House, first edition in December 1992.
"Review of Wang Yangming's Comprehensive Records", Chen Rongjie's Comprehensive Review. Taipei: Taiwan Student Book Bureau, 1988
Revised and reprinted in the year.
"Complete Works of Wang Longxi", complete three books, (Ming Dynasty) Wang Ji. Taipei: The Jingyin and Seal of the Qing Dynasty, the second year of Daoguang.
"Wang Ji Collection", Nanjing: Fenghuang Publishing House, 2007.
"The Case of Confucianism in Ming Dynasty", a complete one, (Ming Dynasty) Huang Zongxi. Taipei: World Book Bureau, February 4, 1984

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/9,10,11[H452]
授課教師 Teacher:林久絡
修課班級 Class:哲學專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:中哲,不開放旁聽
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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