主體哲學是西方當代哲學最重要的課題之一,也是西方對於「人是什麼?」這一問題的回應的切入點。呂格爾在《自我宛若他者》針對個人的同一性進行論述,強調自我與他者的不可分開性。本課程針對《自我宛若他者》一書進行研討,期望修課同學可以透過此一課程能對呂格爾的主體哲學或者說哲學人類學有深入的了解。The main philosophy is one of the most important topics of Western contemporary philosophy, and it is also the entry point of the response to this issue in the West. Lugel explained the same sex in "Self -like Others", emphasizing the inseparableness of the self and others. This course discusses the book "Self -like Like another". It is expected that students to take a course can have a in -depth understanding of Lugel's main philosophy or philosophical anthropology through this course.
Paul Ricoeur, Soi-même comme un autre, Paris:Points, 2014.
Paul Ricoeur, Soi-Même Comme Un Autre, Paris: Points, 2014.
Like, "As a others", Beijing: Business, 2013.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Usual grade |
40 | 出缺席、課堂討論 |
學期報告學期報告 Semester report |
60 |