ポイント1:どの国で? ポイント2:どんな立場で? ポイント3:ホスト社会とはどのような関わりをすることになりそう?
本科目で言う移動とは「人の移動」に限らず,人,工業製品や文化的生産物などのモノの移動,情報,資本などの移動も含むものです.また国境によって区切られた国民国家を跨ぐ移動のみではなく,国民国家内部における移動もその視野におさめられています. 移住労働,留学,故国喪失,難民,強制移住など様々な移動における諸アクターたちの生活の場の築き方,移動する人々と移動を受け入れる人々によるいわゆるゲスト-ホスト関係の多様性,「出身地」「移住先」も含めた移動に関わる諸アクターたちによる公共的な議論,物質(物資)・人間関係・文化等の(再)生産と移動の関係,などを取りあげます.受講者・講師自身の移動(体験)も重要な考察対象となります.
・受講生の皆さんの移動と言語・溝通・文化・社会についての関心事も持ち寄りながらともに教え合い学びましょうIn modern times, the development of the transformation of the country is now unrestrained, and the possibility of moving within the country is beyond the reach of the country.
Question: All are foreign countries, people in society are warm and warm?
ポイント1:どの国で?ポイント2:どんな stands on the scene?ポイント3: ホスト society はどのよもをもをもことになりそう?
→ I think of it
・Heart match・・・・
・"Private man"
・"Difference is different, people's room,"
・"Private には典 あにない"
・"え,そういう双あるんですかぉ, know.
Taiwan's "Foreign people" "Taiwanese people" He/who is "foreign life" and other people's affairs, and privately, get up close to him and get up and think about it.
This subject is limited to "people's movement", industrial products, industrial products, production materials, information, capital, capital, and other products. The national border is divided into different countries, and the national countries move across the country. 移住労働,留学,故国喪失,難民,強制移住など様々な移動における諸アクターたちの生活の場の築き方,移動する人々と移動を受け入れる人々によるいわゆるゲスト-ホスト関係の多様性,「出身地」「移住先」も含めた移動に関わる諸アクターたちによる公共的な議論,物質(物資)・人間関係・文化等の(再)生産と移動の関係,などを取りあげます. The speaker's own movement (body tread) is important to examine the phenomena of the subject.
This year, Taiwan, Japan, and the central government of Taiwan, the regional and regional support, especially the words of "foreign people" are supported by life, and they are particularly inspired by the cultural heritage, and the system and other languages. The following learning process is determined.
(1) マクロリリ・Modernization・Registration・Reconciliation: グローバリゼーション・Modernization・Reproduction and management theory, etc.
(2) Foreign spouse, foreign workers, foreign people, students
・Moving person's words (learning) support
・Mobile words and inheritance・Mother culture inheritance
・The multi-talented disaster prevention information
・Multiple words and scenery formation・もりりの句の句
・Studying and moving・Traveling・Communication・Cultural・Societyについての墢Words and SentencesもちおおおぉともにTeaching and learningびましょう
The country cuts out the country and its citizens, not only focusing on national countries across the country, but also paying attention to movements within the national countries. Of course, the target is not limited to human movements, but also includes movements of items, information and money such as industrial manufactured goods and production objects. Make a critical discussion on the above movement's actual situation and related comments.
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1. Editor of OECD (2007) "Immigration Children's Academic Ability-Social Background Learning and Influences of Akishi's Shop
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6. ※Editor Iwasaki Koichi (2010) 『Multi-cultural Society《Cultural》┆─Symbiosis/コミュニテ/メディア』Qinggongshe
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8. Ueno Kayoko (2011) "National borders surpass the family affairs and women's life strategy" World Thought Society
9. Omura Atsushi (2008) "Others 「Others 」」 Civil Law Seek Foreigners' Law" Tokyo University Press Conference
10. Editor of Foreigners' Laws (2007) "Foreigners' and Ethnic People's Books" Akishi Bookstore
11. Editor of Kazumi Tomi (2013) "Multiculture Symbiosis, Diversity Understanding of Diversity" Akashi Bookstore
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17. Atsushi Kondo (2011) "Multi-cultural Symbiosis Policyへのアプローぁ』 Akashi Bookstore
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19. 英文六国六国 (2007) 『Transportation of Cross-border Movement』 Oriental Bookstore
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22. Tetsuya Sano (2004) "Taiwan Foreigners' Entrance Policy and Surgery Market" Research on Generational Problems at Ichibashi University "Integrated Analysis of Generational Problems" (Specially Recommended Research) ディスカッションペーパーNo.229
23. Masatake Nahara (2007) "Political Theory of Public Space" Humanities Books
24. Katsuya Hokki (2003) "Soul's Sword" Qingtu Society
25. Written by Riko Yoshiki (2012) "The Great East Japan Earthquake and Foreigners Immigration" Akishi Bookstore
26. Eizo Tajiri (2007) "Foreigners' fixed residence and Japanese education"ひつじ官网
27. 田中慎也・木村哲也・宮崎里司編(2009)『移民時代の言語教育』ココ出版
28. Kiyoto Tanino (2013) "National Nationality Test--Japanese, Japanese, foreigners in Japan, and social walls" Yoshida Store
29. Zhang Yuling (2008) "The Creation of Hualien Culture" - Zhonghua School, Lion Dance, Kindi Temple, History Museum"ユテ
30. Nishikawa Yu, editor of Shinhuang (2007) "Social Sports and Democratization of Dong'an'ashi Bookstore
31. Editor of the Japanese Immigration Society (2011) "Immigration Research and Multicultural Symbiosis" Ochi's Water Bookroom
32. Hayase Yoko (2002) "Tuanguo's population movement" Akashi Bookstore
33. Yuan Takeshi (2012) "Space Politics in the Uninterrupted Space" Published by NHK
34. Naoto Higuchi (2012) "Japan's エスニック・ネス』 World Thought Society
35. Episodes by Hibiya Kazuko Hiratakashiya (2005) "Multiple Words Society and Foreign Support" Publishing Conference of the University of Tsubasa University
36. Yasuo Hirota (2003) "Essential Hall Takashi Society
37. フロム,エーリッヒ (1965) 『New version of Freedomぉののes』 Tokyo Creation Yuanshe
38. ベンハビブ, セイラ (2006) 『Other's 』 Foreigners, Residents, Citizens』Legal and Political University Press
39. Baoyue-Yi (2004) "Social Sciences of Yituとコントロールの」—Social Pathologyををえて』 Youfei
40. 松浦さと子・川島隆(2010)『コミュニティメディアの未来―新しい声を伝える経路』晃洋書房
41. Morimoto Yukio Nekawa (2012) "Tomoto" "Japanese" education, language, culture - past, future, direction, and future" Akishi Bookstore
42. Yamatsu Naoji (2004) "Public Philosophy" "Tsumamo Book Room
43. Yoshifu Shizu Yoshimo (2008) "Multi-cultural symbiotic society and foreigners' modern humanities society
44. Worato Ichiro・Iōtaki (2010)『Multi-ethnic Society』Japanese Society』』Natsu』Akishi Bookstore
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
30 | 遅刻欠席は大幅減点 |
授業活動授業活動 Instruction activities |
10 | 授業への積極的参加,資料等の提示,議論の方向付けなど |
交流活動交流活動 Communication activities |
15 | 交流活動への積極的関与 |
授業報告授業報告 Authorization Report |
15 | 授業報告(学術性・日本語表現も重視する) |
レポートレポート レポート |
30 | 期末レポート(学術性・日本語表現も重視する) |