course information of 106 - 2 | 5143 Reading of Master Pieces of Diplomatic History(外交史名著選讀)

Taught In English5143 - 外交史名著選讀 Reading of Master Pieces of Diplomatic History

教育目標 Course Target

本課程以鴉片戰爭至清末新政時期的中國外交為範圍,閱讀與討論基本書單,幫助學生理解相關領域之學術詮釋架構與研究前沿,建立對清末外交史的理論與知識基礎。並介紹與練習使用《外交檔案》等一手史料,撰寫學期報告,奠定進一步研究的基礎。This course takes the Chinese diplomacy from the Douluo War to the New Deal of the late Qing Dynasty as the scope, read and discuss basic books, help students understand the academic structure and research frontiers in related fields, and establish a theoretical and intellectual foundation for diplomatic history in the late Qing Dynasty. It also introduces and practices the use of first-hand historical materials such as "Diplomatic Files" and writes reports during the study period, laying the foundation for further research.

參考書目 Reference Books

Paul Kennedy, Realities behind Diplomacy,
D. C. Watt等 "What is Diplomatic History...?",in What is History Today。
Michael J. Hogan & Thomas G. Paterson eds. Explaining the History of
American Foreign Relations, 2nd edition, Cambridge UP, 2004

1. 蔣廷黻,《中國近代史》
2. 坂野正高著,陳鵬仁等譯《近代中國政治外交史》(台灣商務,2005)
3. 馬士著,張匯文等譯《中華帝國對外關係史》(上海書店,2000)。
4. 《劍橋中國晚清史》(北京:中國社科,1993)。
5. Prasenjit Duara, Rescuing History from the Nation: Questioning Narratives of
Modern China, 1995。杜贊奇《從民族國家拯救歷史》
6. Paul Cohen, Discovering History in China: American Historical Writing on the Recent Chinese Past, 1984,《在中國發現歷史》
7. J. K. Fairbank ed., The Chinese World Order: Traditional China's Foreign Relations, Cambridge, Mass., 1968. 費正清,《中國的世界秩序—除統中國的對外關係》(北京:中國社科出版社,2010)
8. 濱下武志著,朱蔭貴等譯,《近代中國的國際契機》(北京:中國社科,1999)。
9. James L. Hevia, Cherishing Men from Afar, 1995。何偉亞《懷柔遠人》
10. 茅海建,《天朝的崩潰》、
11. 茅海建,《近代的尺度》。
12. Mary Wright, The Tung-chih Restoration, 1862-1874, 1962,《同治中興—中國保守主義的最後抵抗》(北京:中國社科,2002)
13. Paul Cohen, History in Three Keys: the Boxer as Event, Experience, and Myth, 1997.《歷史三調:作為事件、經歷與神話的義和團》
14. 劉禾《帝國的政治話語—從近代中西衝突看現代世界秩序的形成》(北京:三聯,2009)

Paul Kennedy, Realities behind Diplomacy,
D. C. Watt et al. "What is Diplomatic History...", in What is History Today.
Michael J. Hogan & Thomas G. Paterson eds. Explaining the History of
American Foreign Relations, 2nd edition, Cambridge UP, 2004

1. Chi Tingfu, "Modern History of China"
2. Masato Sakano, Chen Yuren and others translated "History of Political and Diplomacy in Modern China" (Taiwan Business, 2005)
3. Written by Ma Shi, Zhang Yunwen and others translated "History of Foreign Relations between the Chinese Empire" (Shanghai Bookstore, 2000).
4. "History of the Late Qing Dynasty of the Little Bridge" (Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences, 1993).
5. Prasenjit Duara, Rescuing History from the Nation: Questioning Narratives of
Modern China, 1995. Du Junqi's "History of Saving the National Nation"
6. Paul Cohen, Discovering History in China: American Historical Writing on the Recent Chinese Past, 1984, "History of Discovery in China"
7. J. K. Fairbank ed., The Chinese World Order: Traditional China's Foreign Relations, Cambridge, Mass., 1968. Fei Zhengqing, "China's World Order - Foreign Relations Excluding China" (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2010)
8. Written by Wu Zhi of the Binxia, ​​Zhu Zhiqian, etc., "International Enemy in Modern China" (Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences, 1999).
9. James L. Hevia, Cherishing Men from Afar, 1995. He Weiya's "The Flexible Man"
10. Mao Haijian, "The Collapse of the Heavenly Dynasty",
11. Mao Haijian, "The Standard of Modernity".
12. Mary Wright, The Tung-chih Restoration, 1862-1874, 1962, "Tongzhi China's Enlightenment-The Last Resistance of China's Conservative Imperialism" (Beijing: China Social Sciences, 2002)
13. Paul Cohen, History in Three Keys: the Boxer as Event, Experience, and Myth, 1997. "Three Historical Notes: The Meaning and Group of the Episodes as Event, Experience, and Myth"
14. Liu He's "Political Words of the Empire - Looking at the Formation of Modern World Order from the Conflict between China and the West in Modern Times" (Beijing: Sanlian, 2009)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Study period report
Class Presentation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[H436]
授課教師 Teacher:唐啟華
修課班級 Class:歷史系3,4,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:大三大四可以選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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