course information of 106 - 2 | 5030 Special Topic: Lu Hsun(魯迅專題)

Taught In English5030 - 魯迅專題 Special Topic: Lu Hsun

教育目標 Course Target

學生基本瞭解魯迅的主要生平事蹟,閱讀魯迅作品集《呐喊》《彷徨》《野草》《朝花夕拾》《故事新編》,泛讀魯迅雜文,瞭解魯迅的翻譯和學術貢獻;閱讀有關魯迅的研究文章或著作。 學生能夠口頭發表有關魯迅文學的看法,能撰寫有關魯迅作品的批評文章(課程作業)。 Students basically understand Lu Xun's main life stories, read Lu Xun's collection of works "Scream", "Wandering", "Wild Grass", "Morning Flowers and Evening Collection", read Lu Xun's essays in general, understand Lu Xun's translation and academic contributions; read research articles or works about Lu Xun. Students can publish opinions about Lu Xun's literature and write critical articles about Lu Xun's works (course work).

課程概述 Course Description

講授魯迅生平,按照生平創作流變,講授魯迅文學作品、文化貢獻、社會活動、學術研究等;簡介中國和國際魯迅研究的概況,魯迅文學的當代影響等。 對學生的要求主要是閱讀魯迅作品,參與課堂研討。
Teach Lu Xun's life, and teaches Lu Xun's literary works, cultural contributions, social activities, academic research, etc. according to the changes in life creation, and teaches Lu Xun's literary works, cultural contributions, social activities, academic research, etc.; introduces the overview of Lu Xun's research in China and international, and the contemporary influence of Lu Xun's literature. The requirements for students are mainly to read Lu Xun's works and participate in class discussions.

參考書目 Reference Books

研究著作: 王富仁:中國反封建思想革命的一面鏡子——《呐喊》《彷徨》綜論,北京師範大學出版社1986年初版,2000年再版;王富仁:中國文化的守夜人―魯迅,人民文學出版社,2002年;錢理群:《心靈的探尋》,上海文藝出版社1988年;錢理群:《魯迅作品十五講》,北京大學出版社,2003年,2007年以《魯迅作品的十五堂課》為題,臺灣五南圖書出版有限公司出版;吳中傑評點魯迅作品系列;樂黛雲:《國外魯迅研究論集》(編譯),北京大學出版社,1981年。

Lu Xun's works: various editions of "The Complete Works of Lu Xun", "The Selected Works of Lu Xun", single versions, etc.;
Biography: various versions of Luxun, Luxun reviews or Luxun’s anniversary, editing of years, life story editing, etc.;
Research Works: Wang Furen: A side of China's anti-feudal ideological revolution——About "Scream" and "Wandering", Beijing Teachers University Press, early edition in 1986, reprinted in 2000; Wang Furen: Lu Xun, the night watcher of Chinese culture, People's Literature Publishing House, 2002; Money Group: "Exploration of the Spirit", Shanghai Literature Publishing House, 1988 2007; Money Group: "Fifteen Lectures of Lu Xun's Works", Beijing University Publishing House, 2003, 2007, published by Taiwan Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd.; Wu Zhongjie's review of Lu Xun's works series; Le Daiyun: "First Lectures of Lu Xun's Research and Discussions" (Edited), Beijing University Publishing House, 1981.
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評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course seminar or oral presentation
Final report or course article

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-1
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6,7,Friday/5,6,7[H551]
授課教師 Teacher:吳 俊
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:4/9~5/9密集上課,詳細上課日期另行公告。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 3 人。

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