course information of 106 - 2 | 5019 Topics in Newspaper and Journal of Modern China(近代報刊專題)

Taught In English5019 - 近代報刊專題 Topics in Newspaper and Journal of Modern China

教育目標 Course Target

本課程概分成三個階段:認識中國近代報刊發展與內容、近代報刊對中國文學嬗變的影響、近代報刊議題的研究。以建立中國近代報刊的基礎知識、掌握近代報刊與中國文學演變的關係,從事近代報刊議題的研究與開發等三項為本課程之目標。晚清以降,中西交流的門戶洞開,報刊也應運而生。中國自鴉片戰爭前夕開始定期出版的日報、期刊,至辛亥革命時早已廣泛發行。從外國人創辦的第一份中文報紙(1815年8月5日在麻六甲創刊)──《察世俗每月統計傳》,到《遐邇貫珍》(1853,香港)、《六合叢談》(1857,上海)、《萬國公報》等,逐漸開展如以康有為、梁啟超為首的改良派報刊,藉以鼓吹變法;又有以孫中山為首的革命派報刊,藉此吹響革命號角,日後科技、文學、文摘性等報刊的陸續產成,乃是瞭解中國近代史的重要寶庫。其中,如:《點石齋畫報》、《清議報》、《民報》、《教育世界》、《新小說》、《新民叢報》、《覺民》、《繡像小說》、《中國白話報》、《新新小說》、《國粹學報》、《月月小說》、《小說林》、《小說月報》、《新小說》等,更對中國近代文學的嬗變,掌握現代文學的發展,乃具極重要的價值。   本課程配合相關報刊知識與實際報刊的研讀,可對從事近代文學研究產生助益,提升研究生解析相關文本的能力,進而豐富與拓展研究視野。This course is divided into three stages: understanding the development and content of modern Chinese journals, the impact of modern journals on the evolution of Chinese literature, and the study of modern journals. The goal of this course is to establish the basic knowledge of modern Chinese journals and master the relationship between modern journals and Chinese literature evolution, including research and development of modern journals and journals. Since the late Qing Dynasty, the doors and caves for exchanges between China and the West have opened, and newspapers should have been born. Daily and journals that began to be published regularly on the eve of the Doushe Film War in China have been widely published by the time of the Xinhai Revolution. From the first Chinese newspaper founded by foreigners (created in Malacca on August 5, 1815) - "Monthly Constitution of the Secular World" to "Xia Feng Jing" (1853, Hong Kong), "Liuhe Yue" (1857, Shanghai), "Wan Guo News", etc., we have gradually developed reformist journals led by Kang Yousu and Liang Qichao to promote the transformation; there are also revolutionary journals led by Sun Zhongshan, which promote the revolutionary faction. The continuous production of journals such as science and technology, literature, and abstraction in the future is an important treasure for understanding China's modern history. Among them, such as: "Doushishi Painting", "Clerks and Presentations", "People's News", "Education World", "New Novels", "New Minsheng News", "People", "Picture Novels", "Chinese Verbals", "New New Novels", "National Novels", "Monthly Novels", "Novels," "New Novels", etc., it is of great value to the evolution of modern Chinese literature and master the development of modern literature. This course, in conjunction with the study of relevant journals and the study of practical journals, can contribute to modern literature research, improve graduate students' ability to analyze related texts, and enrich and expand research vision.

參考書目 Reference Books

中國近代報刊資料庫(1833-1949,3000 種,6 萬期,30 億字)

1.林香伶,〈歷史記憶重建的現代性意涵──論《國粹學報》的史傳書寫〉,香港:歷史與記憶──中國現代文學國際研討會,香港中文大學中文系所主辦,2007年1月4-6日。(收入《墨痕深處—文學.歷史.記憶論集》,香港:OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS,2007年8月,頁111-151。)
4. 林香伶,〈近代新派詩話的遺珠—高旭《願無盡廬詩話》析論〉,《彰師大國文學誌》第21期,2010年12月,頁69-110。NSC 99-2410-H-029-054行政院國家科學委員會研究計畫部分研究成果。
(I) Journal History
Fang Hanqi: "History of Modern Chinese Journalism", Taiyuan: Shanxi Education Press, 1991﹧2012.
Li Renyu: "New Media and Intellectuals in the Late Qing Dynasty", New Taipei City: Daoshan Publishing House, 2005.
Li Bin: "The Development and Change of Chinese Modern Publishing Role Concept", Changsha: Yuelu Bookstore, 2011.
Du Qingyun's editor: "Historical Materials of China Publishing and Publication", Beijing: Guangming Daily Press, 1987.
Xu Songrong: "The New School and Modern Journal", Taiyuan: Shanxi Ancient Books Publishing House, 1998.
Ma: "Simplified Chinese News History Review", Tianjin: Xinhua Publishing House, 1995.
Chen Yushen: "History of the Late Qing Dynasty Report", Jinan: Shandong Painting Publishing House, 2003.
Tom Zhiyuan: "Schools and Journals in the Relative Period of 1898", Taipei: Commercial Press, 1993.
Zhao Xiaolan and Wu Chao: "History of Chinese Journals of the Patriarch", Shanghai: Huidan University Press, 2011.
Liu Lanxiao: "Late Qing Dynasty Publishing and Modern History", Beijing: China People's University Press, 2007.
(II) Those related to journalism and literature
*Li Nan: "Research on Shanghai Elementary Newspapers in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China", Beijing: People's Literature Press, 2005 (Illustrated Book, 2006).
*Zhou Xixiu and Tu Ming: "History of Chinese Modern Cultural Journals", Taiyuan: Shanxi Education Press, 1999.
*Hu Quanzhang: "Research on the Journal of Verbal Discourse in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China", Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2011.
*Shi Xiaoli: "Chinese Modern Public Media and Chinese Modern Literature", Chengdu: Bashu Bookstore, 1995.
(III) Database﹧News
China's modern journalism database (1833-1949, 30 million species, 60,000 issues, 3 billion words)
Hantang Modern Publishing Database
Dacheng Old Old Journal Full Text Database
"Wan Guo Public", "New Minsheng News", "People News", "National Science News", "Shen News", "World Fashion News", "Novel Monthly News", "Monthly News", "Monthly News", "Nanshe Movie", etc.

Related works
1. Lin Xiangling, "Modern Implications of Reconstruction of Historical Memory--A Historical Book Writing on "The Journal of the Civility", Hong Kong: History and Memory--International Seminar on Modern Literature, hosted by the Department of Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 4-6, 2007. (Included in "The Deep Ink Seal - Literature. History. Memorial Collection", Hong Kong: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, August 2007, pages 111-151.)
2. Lin Xiangling, "Nanshe Literature Review", Taipei: Liren Book Bureau, October 2009.
3. Lin Xiangling et al. (co-authored by Wu Cai'e, Lin Shuying, Zhou Yizhong, and Gwangguanghua), "Politics Research: Poetry and Culture", Changhua: Department of Chinese Literature, Changhua University, December 2009.
4. Lin Xiangling, "Analysis of the New Poems of Modern Stories - Gao Xu's "Praise of the Psychics of the Psychics of the Psychics of the Psychics of the Psychics of the Psychics of the Psychics of the People's Republic of China", Issue 21, December 2010, pages 69-110. NSC 99-2410-H-029-054 Some research results of the National Science Committee of the Executive Yuan.
5. Lin Xiangling, "The World and Recreation" - Discussing the Use of Historical History in the Late Fresh Novels" "Donghai Chinese Journal" No. 21, August 2009, Pages 113-148.
6. Lin Xiangling, "About the Several Questions of Nanshe Society from "South Society Creation" - Taking the Distribution of Literature as the Core", "Nanjing University of Science and Technology Journal" Volume 16, Issue 1, February 2003, Page 88-96.
7. Lin Xiangling, "The Excerpt from "Superman" - Lin Gengbai's "Social Poems" and "Li Bai Building Poems" are written by the Chinese Academy of Hong Kong University: "Politics 11: Oriental Poems - Oriental Poems 7th International Academic Seminar" (Taiwan: Wenting Dian Books Co., Ltd., April 2012, page 853-895).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Participation and Attendance
Topic Report (Course Topic Allocation)
Final report (personal topic writing)
40 含期末發表,評論

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學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[H535]
授課教師 Teacher:林香伶
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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