本課程除教授各相關理論外,將以議題的方式帶入每堂課程,旨在讓兩代之間透過對話,互相學習與尊重,達到青銀交流‧世代共融。In addition to the relevant theories of the professor, this course will bring the topic into each course. It aims to allow the two generations to learn and respect each other through dialogue between the two generations to achieve the exchange of green silver and the generation.
Classroom supplementary textbooks are mainly
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂活動參與課堂活動參與 Class activity participation |
60 | (課堂討論之參與20%、出席率18%、上課態度22%(划手機、遲到、講話等次數及服裝儀容為評量基準) |
平常心得報告平常心得報告 Normal experience report |
10 | |
期中小組報告期中小組報告 Phase mid -group report |
10 | (小組主題報告)(ppt製作內容+報告口條及時間掌控) |
期末專題報告期末專題報告 Final Special Report |
20 | (小組期末報告) |