course information of 106 - 2 | 3547 106-2 Arts Project (Studio)(106-2藝術專題研習)

Taught In English3547 - 106-2藝術專題研習 106-2 Arts Project (Studio)

教育目標 Course Target

1.豐富思想,滿足好奇心,從不同造形藝術觀念,鍛鍊運用媒材作為創作的方法與能力。 2.探討美術材質與技法結合,提升個人藝術表現。 3.探索裝置藝術,建立三度空間作品之成型能力。 4.部落藝術研習。1. Rich thought, satisfy curiosity, and exercise from different shape art concepts, exercise the use of media as a method and ability to create. 2. Discuss the combination of art materials and techniques to improve personal art performance. 3. Explore the art of device and establish the ability to take three -degree space works. 4. Tribe art study.

參考書目 Reference Books

◎Michel Foucault 著/謝強 馬月 譯;《馬奈的繪畫 La peinture de Manet 》Suivi de MichelFoucault, un regard ; 湖南教育出版社;長沙;2009.6;ISBN978-7- 5355-6138-1
◎ Linda Nochlin 著《寫實主義》;遠流圖書公司出版; ISBN9573234653
◎ Anna Moszynska著/黃麗絹 譯;《抽象藝術》;遠流圖書公司出版; ISBN9573237806。
◎ 保羅克利 著/周群超 譯《保羅克利教學手記》;藝術家出版;1999。
◎ Henry Focillon 著/吳玉成 譯;《造形的生命》;田園城市文化事業出版;2001;ISBN 9570406410◎ Herschel Chipp著/余珊珊譯《現代藝術理論》,台北: 遠流圖書公司出版,1996。
◎ 台灣土著文化研究/陳奇祿著.--聯經出版--ISBN 957-08-0791-1(精裝)
◎探索台灣:鳥居龍藏 譯註:楊南郡/ISBN957-32-2852-1(平裝)/遠流出版
◎台灣原住民 作者:王嵩山 出版者:遠足文化事業有限公司/ISBN 978-986-6731-56-3
◎民族的美感 林建成/著 出版者:藝術家出版社/ISBN 978-6565-34-2(平裝)
◎原住民圖錄 出版者:前衛出版社/ISBN 957-801-245-4

◎ Michel Foucault /Translated by Xie Qiang Ma Yue; "Maya's painting la people de MANET" Suivi de Micheldoucaut, Un Regard; Hunan Education Press; Changsha; 2009.6; ISBN978-7-6138-1
◎ Linda Nochlin is "Realism"; published by Yuanliu Book Company; ISBN9573234653
◎ ANNA MOSZYNSKA is translated by Huang Li silk; "Abstract Art"; Published by Yuanliu Book Company; ISBN9573237806.
◎ Paulkley/Zhou Qun super translated "Paulkley Teaching Notes"; artist publishing; 1999.
◎ Henry Focillon is translated by Wu Yucheng; "Life of the shape"; Publishing in the cultural career of the countryside; 2001; ISBN 9570406410 ◎ Herschel Chipp/Yu Shanshan translated "Modern Art Theory", Taipei: Published by Yuanliu Book Company, 1996.
◎ Taiwan's indigenous culture research /Chen Qilu. ◎ Exploring Taiwan: Torii Dragon Tibetan Translation Note: Yangnan County/isbn957-32-2852-1 (Pamentable)/Published by Yuanliu
◎ Taiwan Aboriginal Author: Wang Songshan Publisher: Homoli-Himba Culture Business Co., Ltd. /ISBN 978-986-6731-56-3
◎ The Aesthetic Forest of the Nation/Publisher: Artist Publishing House/ISBN 978-6565-34-2 (Pacder)
◎ Publisher of Aboriginal Listing: Avant-garde Publishing House /ISBN 957-801-245-4

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class performance
40 含平時出席率及上課研習態度(無故缺課達3分之一以上者扣考)
Mid -term review
30 無重大原因者不得延交、補交,未出席者該項以0分計。
Final review
30 無重大原因者不得延交、補交,未出席者該項以0分計。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[M228]
授課教師 Teacher:阿信‧沙華克
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:學生宿舍主題村課程-藝術村
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 37 人。

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