course information of 106 - 2 | 3530 A Guide to Professional Development and Communication Skills(職場啟程–自我展示)

Taught In English3530 - 職場啟程–自我展示 A Guide to Professional Development and Communication Skills

教育目標 Course Target

**本課程將採取一學期列表中的18周的教學,為了連續性,改為每次二小時,共九次上課方式。 課程目標是介紹學生進入職場後的各種狀況,以及如何進行的演講表達。 學生在學校學習職業的技能,進入職場會面對不同狀況。如何順利的在職場有個好的啟程,達成他的生涯規劃,成為職場新人的挑戰。一個學生在進入職場後,環境改變,周遭的人物改換,前途的規劃等等...都會對他有極大的衝擊和挑戰。學生如何面對這些變化和心態調適成功與否,都會對他的未來人生有極大的影響。本課程會介紹職場狀況發生時的處理應對想法,來提供學生職場啟程的助力。 課程也會說明如何把自己的專業和處理事情的想法做出適當的表達。課程中會介紹演講、溝通、簡報的方法,並且要由學生做各自專業的演講和簡報,並且討論如何改進內容和表達方式。 這個課程是要使不同專業的學生對職場啟程狀態有所理解。教學會配合不同人生校友的職場經歷的演講來學習。課程最重要的是引導學生將來進入職場的啟程知識和成長方法。會邀請四位不同領域的校友,來對同學做職場生涯規劃的介紹。 ** This course will adopt 18 weeks of teaching in the one -semester list. In order to continue, it will be changed to two hours each, a total of nine ways of class. The goal of the curriculum is to introduce the various situations of students after entering the workplace, and how to express their speech. Students studying career skills in schools will face different situations when they enter the workplace. How to successfully set off in the workplace, to achieve his career planning, and become a challenge for newcomers in the workplace. After entering the workplace, the environment changes, the changes around the world, the future planning, etc. will have a great impact and challenge to him. How students faced these changes and mentality or not will have a great impact on his future life. This course will introduce the handling of the treatment of the workplace conditions to provide the help of the students' workplace settlement. The course also explains how to express your professionalism and the idea of ​​dealing with things properly. The method of lectures, communication, and briefing will be introduced in the course, and students will be given to their respective professional speeches and briefings, and discuss how to improve content and expression. This course is to make students from different professions understand the status of the workplace. Teaching Society cooperates with the lectures of the workplace experience of different alumni in life. The most important thing for the course is to guide students to enter the workplace in the workplace in the future. Four alumni in different fields will be invited to introduce the career planning of classmates.

參考書目 Reference Books


評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attend and participate in class
Speech Briefing
40 每個學生按照各人背景做簡報
20 對於模擬的職場狀況的反應和處理

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-1
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[C103]
授課教師 Teacher:沈曉白
修課班級 Class:共選修2-4,碩博
選課備註 Memo:一學期九次課,第一堂務必到課以了解課程安排
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 35 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 35 人。

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