course information of 106 - 2 | 3529 Career and Vocation(職涯與志業講堂)

Taught In English3529 - 職涯與志業講堂 Career and Vocation

教育目標 Course Target

1.邀請校友回母校演講,與學弟妹分享職場經驗。 2.培養正確的工作態度。 3.認識工作的多樣性。 4.希望藉由本課程的設計可以讓學生體會志業(vocation)的意義。本課程邀請校友或EMBA在學學生,分享他們的職涯經驗,特別是志業倫理的養成過程。另外課程中亦將解析產業的趨勢外,對於個人職涯規劃、生涯轉換亦將分享親身經驗,讓學生對自我方向有所認知,並對於未來就業與產業趨勢有進一步了解。 東海人的特質與未來職業取向如何結合?學長姐的職涯歷程如何應用在學 生未來的生涯中?如何運用社會學中的人脈存摺創造不同的人生?是本課程開課的最大重心,也期望在每次演講後,學生能省思當中的獲得,整理所得後,規劃自己的生涯,如何學習學長姐的長處,運用在自己的人生。1. Invite alumni to give a lecture back to their alma mater and share their experiences at the venue with their younger siblings. 2. Cultivate correct working attitude. 3. Understand the diversity of work. 4. I hope that through the design of this course, students can organize the meaning of vocation. This course invites alumni or EMBA students to share their career experience, especially the cultivation process of professional ethics. In addition, in addition to analyzing the trends of industry, we will also share personal experiences about personal career planning and career conversion, so that students can understand their own direction and further understand their career and industry trends in the future. How do the characteristics of Donghai people combine with their future career orientation? How can the elder sister’s career course be applied to her future career? How to use social learning to create different lives? It is the biggest focus of this course. I also hope that after each lecture, students can reflect on their gains, organize their income, plan their careers, how to learn the elder sister's growth, and use it in their own life.

參考書目 Reference Books

Luo Fengsen, letting people be free, Tianxia Culture Publishing House.
This is what I want to do most, Tianxia Culture Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
50 每次報告至少200字,次一週周三前繳交
50 曠課超過三次(含三次未請假或請假6次),學期成績不及格。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[H104]
授課教師 Teacher:彭 泉/蔡家幸
修課班級 Class:共選修3,4
選課備註 Memo:修過「職涯與志業講座」者不可修習
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 126 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 126 人。

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