course information of 106 - 2 | 3526 Communication Skills and Relationship Building(溝通技巧與關係建立)

Taught In English3526 - 溝通技巧與關係建立 Communication Skills and Relationship Building

教育目標 Course Target

近幾十年來,台灣的高等教育在"培養專門人才"的政策方針下,培養出許多優秀人才,對台灣的經濟成長有一定之貢獻。然而,隨著時代的演進,要能在職場上成功發展,甚至成為領導人物發揮正面的影響力,一個人光具有專業知識及技術是不夠的。大多數企業家心目中理想的從業人員,除了專業外,還需要能清楚溝通,知道如何與他人互動合作,具面對挫折之能力以及正確的態度。在當今的台灣高等教育,如何在學生身上培養出上述特質,讓學生了解人際溝通與關係建立的正確觀念與具體作法是相當重要的。本課程主要內容在藉著授課,小組討論以及實作練習,教導學生如何聆聽,如何同理,如何以適當的言語回應。此外,本課程也教導學生了解兩性之差異,原生家庭對個人的影響,建立兩性關係時應注意的一些原則,發展健全的人格的具體作法,以及關係修復的步驟。本課程藉著在知識、態度及實踐等層面被有系統性的塑造學生,希望學生能建立起團隊合作,清楚溝通,面對挫折及解決人際問題的實踐力。In recent decades, Taiwan ’s higher education has cultivated many outstanding talents under the policy policy of“ cultivating specialized talents ”and has contributed to Taiwan’ s economic growth. However, with the evolution of the times, it is not enough to be able to develop in the workplace and even become a positive influence on the leaders. It is not enough to have professional knowledge and technology alone. In addition to professionalism, most entrepreneurs need to be able to communicate clearly in addition to their majors, know how to interact with others, face the ability of setbacks and correct attitudes. In today's higher education in Taiwan, how to cultivate the above characteristics on students, allowing students to understand the correct concepts and specific practices of the establishment of interpersonal communication and relationships are very important. The main content of this course is to teach students how to listen, how to respond properly, and how to respond properly. In addition, this course also teaches students to understand the differences between gender. The influence of native families on individuals, some principles that should be paid attention to when establishing gender relations, specific practices of developing and developing personality, and step -up steps. This course is systematically shaped at the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice. It is hoped that students can establish teamwork, communicate clearly, and face the practical power of setbacks and solve interpersonal problems.

參考書目 Reference Books

黃維仁 2009. 親密之旅。愛家文化基金會
Gottman, J. M & DeClaire, J. 2001. 關係療癒:建立良好家庭、友誼、情感五步驟。張老師文化事業。

Huang Weiren 2009. Intimate journey. Aijia Cultural Foundation
Gottman, J. M & Declaire, J. 2001. Relationship healing: Establish five steps: good family, friendship, and emotion. Teacher Zhang's cultural career.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
出席率 出席率
Attendance rate
20 點名考
Class discussion and after -school homework
70 學生就課堂上所習得之技巧及觀念,應用在其與父母、長輩、手足及同儕之互動中。每單元皆有學習單,引導學生探索自身之人際關係及自我認知現況,並具體地引導學生就各單元所強調之內容,實際應用於生活中並整理成書面報告。
Issue experience
10 學生就本課程中對本身在溝通技巧及人際關係上所獲成長及突破加以具體描述於學期末繳交。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/11,12[H103]
授課教師 Teacher:卓逸民
修課班級 Class:共選修2-4
選課備註 Memo:遴選選課,對象為擔任學生領袖者,詳情請洽勞教處
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 88 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 88 人。

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