弓道源於中國。孔子以“六藝”教授學生,其中“射”之-道是唯一的武道。孔子自己深諳射術,《禮記》中有載:“孔子射瞿相之圃,觀者如堵牆。”《禮記》是記載傳統禮儀的著作,其中有專門的射術章節,稱為《射義》,其實就是“射術中的禮儀”之意。儒家傳統講究“禮”,因為禮儀乃國之根本,有了禮儀才有綱常倫理,國家才能穩固。孔⼦的“六藝”雖然是六種不同的技藝,但其中蘊含的是儒家“以禮教治國”的根本思想。根據《⼤學》中闡述的理念,“治國平天下”是儒家的終極目標,欲國治而天下平,先要身修而家齊。不把個人的修養做好,則不能管理好家庭,家庭管理不當何談治國平天下?所以歸根結底還是要“修身”。弓道教人品格,如尊重、平靜、耐⼼等等,都是當代大學生所缺乏的。80後出生的這一代的人的通病就是浮躁。做事急功近利、不喜歡做計劃、缺乏⻑遠的目標、不善於團隊合作等缺點在大學生中屢見不鮮。而這一切源於大學生對“修身”的全面忽視。現在的教育制度仍是“分數至上”,“素質教育”提倡了這麼多年還是停留在“提倡”階段,沒有真正落實。當然教育制度的改革是循序漸進的,首先考試這個制度就不好改變。只要考試制度存在,成績永遠都會被提到第一位,這樣又怎麼實現“德育”呢?這樣又怎麼教學生如何“修身養性”呢?其實孔子為我們提供了一個很好的借鑒,他的“六藝”實際上是素質教育的雛形,學生不需要死讀書本,而應該培養各方面的愛好,在這些添加了禮教觀念的愛好中學會修身養性。Bow Road originated from China. Confucius teaches students with "six arts", of which "shoot"-Tao is the only martial arts. Confucius himself is well versed in shooting. The Book of Rites contains: "Confucius shoots Qu Xiang's garden, viewers are like a wall." "Book of Rites" is a book that records traditional etiquette. Among them, there is a special shooting chapter, called " "Shooting" is actually the meaning of "etiquette in shooting". The Confucian tradition pays attention to "etiquette", because etiquette is the foundation of the country. Only with etiquette, there is a common ethics that the country can be stable. Although Kong Yan's "six arts" are six different skills, it contains the fundamental idea of Confucianism "governing the country with etiquette". According to the philosophy explained in "Xue Xue", "governing the country and the world" is the ultimate goal of Confucianism. If you want to rule the country and the world, you must first cultivate it. If you do n’t do your personal cultivation well, you ca n’t manage your families. How can family management be right? So in the final analysis, you still need to "self -cultivation". Bow Taoism, such as respect, calmness, resistance, etc., is lacking in contemporary college students. The common problem of people born in the post -80s generation is impetuous. It is not uncommon for college students to be urgent to work hard, do not like to do plans, lack of far -reaching goals, and is not good at teamwork. And all of this originated from the comprehensive neglect of "self -cultivation" of college students. The current education system is still "score first", "quality education" has advocated for so many years or staying in the "advocacy" stage, and has not been implemented. Of course, the reform of the education system is gradual. First of all, the system of testing is not easy to change. As long as the examination system exists, the results will always be mentioned first. How can this "moral education" be achieved? How to teach students how to "cultivate"? In fact, Confucius provided us with a good reference. His "six arts" are actually the prototype of quality education. Students do not need to read books, but should cultivate all aspects of hobbies. Cultivation.
Urban.H. 1955 黃金階梯,人生最重要的20件事。宇宙光全人關懷機構(曹明星 譯)
Maxwell,J.C.2009雙贏領導101。智庫文化(蔡璧如 譯)
Maxwell,J.C 2009成為有影響力的人。基石出版社(吳蔓玲 譯)
Urban.h. 1955 Gold Stairs, the 20 most important things in life. Cosmic Light Care Institution (Cao Xingxing Translation)
Maxwell, J.C.2009 Win -winning leaders 101. Think Tank Culture (Translated by Cai Yiru)
Maxwell, J.C 2009 became influential people. Cornerstone Publishing House (translated by Wu Manling)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
20 | 點名考 |
課後作業課後作業 After -school homework |
60 | 從父母、長輩、手足及同儕身上尋找與該德行相符之具體事蹟並對其加以讚美,並就每單元之內容反思自己目前之狀況,在日常生活中主動尋找機會操練特定之品格並在整理反思後作成書院報告。 |
期末心得感想期末心得感想 Issue experience |
20 | 學生就本課程之內容對自身在各樣品格培養之幫助及成長加以具體描述於學習末繳交。 |