course information of 106 - 2 | 3521 Leadership and Change(自我探索與領導素養)

Taught In English3521 - 自我探索與領導素養 Leadership and Change

教育目標 Course Target

■ 課程目標 (Course Objectives) Covey(2004)在「The 8th Habit」書序寫到,「To the humble courageous, “great” ones among us who exemplify how leadership is a choice, not a position.」。「有能力決定(make)」或“make choice”是教育中相當挑戰而關鍵的課題。本課程旨在培育大學青年公民: (一)認識全人思維理論(Whole Person Model):身體、情感、心智與價值信念的整全。 (二)生活中探索的特徵與要件,進而探究如何在生活中自我探索、自我覺察、自我整全。 (三)討論領導素養的定義、範圍及其脈絡。 (四)認識領導素養對個人、對組織、對社會及對環境的關係。 (五)認識全人思維領導素養的四天賦與七項自律。 (六)認識如何自我覺察、打破慣性、設定目標、練習改變。 (七)認識促進改變的關鍵三階段及六項要素。 (八)發展促進合作與改變的領導素養。藉由探索情境活動及引導反思,體驗與體會群體中真正有創造力的活動是合作,而非領導。但領導,發揮正向影響力,才是讓所有人合作、創造與改變不可或缺的條件。 ■ Course objectives Covey (2004) wrote in the preface of "The 8th Habit", "To the Humble Courageous," Great "one among us who exemplify how leaders a choice, not a posity." "Make" or "Make Choice" is a key issue in education. This course aims to cultivate young citizens of universities: (1) Understanding the theory of thinking of the whole person (WHOLE Person Model): The whole of the body, emotion, mind, and value belief. (2) The characteristics and elements of exploration in life, and then explore how to explore, self -awareness, and self -complete in life. (3) Discuss the definition, scope and context of leadership literacy. (4) Understand the relationship between leadership literacy to individuals, organizations, society, and environment. (5) Four days and seven self -disciplines that recognize the literacy of all people's thinking. (6) Knowing how to self -awareness, break inertia, set goals, and practice changes. (7) Understand the key three stages and six elements of promoting changes. (8) Develop leadership literacy that promotes cooperation and changes. Through exploring situation activities and guidance reflection, experience and experience and experience in the group are really creative activities in the group are cooperation, not leadership. But leaders, exerting positive influence is the indispensable condition for everyone to cooperate, create and change.

課程概述 Course Description

我們將從不同的面向深入探討社區參與、社區動力、全人創意社區、「The Green Mind」 綠色社區工坊、社區組織、社區總體營造機制及永續發展等,並回顧日本、歐洲、台灣的社區總體營造實踐歷程,及其對台灣「社區參與」變遷過程的影響力。 課程中採取實例說明的方式,並以社區營造學習教室、「The Green Mind」綠色社區工坊、社區電影院三種單元式教學,輔助幫助學生對於社區總體營造的實際認知及啟發學習興趣。
We will explore community participation, community motivation, creative community, "The Green Mind" green community workshop, community organization, community overall creation mechanism and sustainable development, etc., and review Japan, Europe, and Taiwan. The community's overall creation of practical process, and its influence on the change of Taiwan's "community participation". The course is adopted in the course, and three unit teaching of the green community workshop, "The Green Mind" green community workshop, and community cinema are used to help students help students interested in the actual cognition and inspiration of the community's overall creation of the community.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 課程講義,請從教學平台下載,請每個人事先閱讀。

1. Course lecture, please download from the teaching platform, please read in advance.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Reading square notes
30 ■課堂現場反思作業 ■課堂參與討論:執行 細則上課共同討論。以是否引發討論動機、 參與程度以及啟發思考作為評分依據。
Period exam or report
30 ■口頭報告 ■書面報告 ■海報展示 ■自評互 評 ■內容詳「圓夢行動計畫Pre-proposal範 本」執行細則上課共同討論。評量方式詳 「圓夢行動清單自我檢核表」、「SPEC學習成效互評表」
Final report
40 ■口頭報告 ■書面報告 ■海報展示 ■自評互 評 ■內容詳「圓夢行動計畫Pre-proposal範 本」執行細則上課共同討論。評量方式詳 「圓夢行動清單自我檢核表」、「SPEC學習 成效互評表」

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/1,2[HT101]
授課教師 Teacher:吳兆田
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:請第一堂務必到課以了解課程安排
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 35 人。

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