course information of 106 - 2 | 3411 Urban Modernology-in case of Taichung Midtown(社會:路上觀察:都市考現學–以台中舊城為例)

Taught In English3411 - 社會:路上觀察:都市考現學–以台中舊城為例 Urban Modernology-in case of Taichung Midtown

教育目標 Course Target

 這是一門教大家如何走在街道上,閱讀都市紋理、體驗都市樂趣的課程。 我們每天經過的路上或是日常生活的周遭,充滿了各式各樣的物件,從貼在電線桿上的貼紙,到佇立在街頭的建築看板,從地面上的下水道人孔蓋,到十字路口上的各式路標,從街道上學生們的制服,到路上觀光客的穿著,這些大大小小的物件和現象,存在於我們日常生活周遭,一般人往往不會發現,然而當我們不只是單一地去看這些物件或現象,而是開始仔細去收集、比較、分析它們,進而瞭解其來龍去脈,揭露這些物件背後所隱含的時代背景或社會意義,走在路上的觀察其實也可以成為一門學問。  日本1980年代開始,有一群人深深為這些出現在路上的有趣物件著迷,赤瀨川原平、藤森照信、南伸坊,即是此一領域赫赫有名的人物,三人在二十年前(1985年)合編了《路上觀察學入門》,為路上觀察學經典之作,也讓日本掀起一股「路上觀察」風潮。路上觀察的源頭,其實可以追溯到1923年日本風俗學、建築學者-今和次郎(1888-1973),他在關東大地震之後所進行的現代都市居民行動研究,成為「考現學」的母胎。他對現代都市生活進行觀察與收集的研究態度,其實是追隨民俗學者-柳田國男(1875~1962)專攻鄉野傳奇、風俗的研究,大正十二年的關東大地震當中,今和次郎目睹了城市的毀滅與重生,而誕生了「考現學」(modernologio)的觀察與研究。  正如同東京在1923年經歷了關東大地震後,處於一個毀滅與重生的階段,台灣在邁入經濟成長遲緩與高齡少子化的時代,許多城市的舊市區目前也面對著毀滅與重生的關鍵階段,其中台中的舊市區更是一個具體的縮影。  台中是一個已經有一百多年歷史的計畫都市。二十世紀初的計畫都市範圍,也就是目前台中的舊市區,早年的舊市區因鐵路交通的便捷,促成商業活動的聚集而蓬勃發展,形成台中市最早的中心商業區,同時也是人們工作、居住與生活消費的區域。然而隨著人口的增加,汽車交通工具的普及,台中的周邊開始出現許多重劃區,人口郊區化現象慢慢形成,促使了舊市區漸漸的沒落。而近幾年,隨著宮原眼科等新興文創商業的進駐,以及林佳龍市長的政策推動下,台中舊市區正面臨著毀滅與重生的關鍵階段,許多舊的物件與新的事物並存,因此也成為路上觀察的最佳場域。 This is a course that teaches you how to walk on the streets to read urban texture and experience urban fun. On the road we pass by or around the surroundings of daily life, we are full of all kinds of objects. From the stickers pasted on the electric pole, to the building standing on the street, from the sewer on the ground to the crossroads of the sewer to the crossroads Various street marks, from the uniforms of the students on the street, to the tourists on the road, these large and small objects and phenomena exist on our daily life around, and most people will often find it. Look at these objects or phenomena, but start to collect, compare, and analyze them carefully, and then understand the ins and outs of the dragons, expose the era background or social significance hidden behind these objects. Observation on the road can actually become a science. Since the 1980s, a group of people deeply fascinated by these interesting objects that appeared on the road. Akawa Kawahara, Fujiseromi Zhaoxin, and Nantafang, is the famous figure in this field. Twenty years ago ( 1985) "Getting Started on the Road to Observation and Study on the Road", which for observing the classics on the road, and also caused Japan to set off a "observation on the road". The source of observation on the road can actually be traced back to the Japanese customs and architects in 1923-Jinhe Jiro (1888-1973). His modern urban residents' actions after the Kanto earthquake Essence His research attitude to observe and collect modern urban life is actually following the study of folk scholar -Liu Tian Guoan (1875 ~ 1962) specializing in the study of the legendary and customs of the villagers. In the Great Kanto earthquake in Dazheng for 12 years The destruction and rebirth of the city, the observation and research of "Modernology" was born. Just as Tokyo experienced the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923 and was in a stage of destruction and rebirth, Taiwan was in the era when economic growth was slow and old -age. At the critical stage, the old urban area of ​​Taichung is a specific epitome. Taichung is a planned city with a history of more than 100 years. In the early 20th century, the planned urban area, which is currently the old urban area of ​​Taichung. In the early years of the old urban area, due to the convenience of railway transportation and the aggregation of commercial activities, it was flourishing. Areas of people's work, living and living consumption. However, with the increase of the population and the popularization of automobile transportation, many rezoning areas have begun to appear around the surrounding area of ​​Taichung. The phenomenon of population in the suburbs slowly formed, prompting the old urban area to gradually decline. In recent years, with the presence of emerging cultural and creative commerce such as Miyhara Ophthalmology and the promotion of Mayor Lin Jialong's policy, Taichung's old urban area is facing a critical stage of destruction and rebirth. Many old objects coexist with new things. Therefore It is also the best field for observation on the road.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 路上觀察學入門/赤瀨川原平, 藤森照信, 南伸坊/編著,嚴可婷, 黃碧君, 林皎碧/譯/行人出版,2014
2. 城市的意象/Kevin Lynch 著,胡家璇譯/遠流出版,2014
3. 城市密碼:觀察城市的100個場景/Anne Mikoleit、Moritz Purckhauer 著,洪世民譯/行人出版,2012
4. 偉大城市的誕生與衰亡:美國都市街道生活的啟發/Jane Jacobs 著,吳鄭重譯/聯經出版,2007
5. 台中文獻:台中歷史建築發展回顧(1945年以前)專輯/林良哲、袁興言/台中市文化局出版, 2003
6. 2009台中學研討會: 美術文化篇論文集/洪慶峰/台中市文化局出版, 2009
7. 認識台中/王清乾/王清乾, 2007
8. 細味台中/劉書甫、蘇俐穎/二魚文化,2014
9. 臺中學叢書(共十冊)/廖振富等著/台中市文化局出版,2016
10. 臺中繪葉書:日治時期影像與遊記/王志誠, 張良澤著/台中市文化局出版,2017
11. 臺中歷史地圖散步/中央研究院數位文化中心/台灣東販,2018
12. 中區再生基地團隊(DRF)臉書 http://www.facebook.com/GoodotVillage
13. 大墩社_中區復興計畫臉書http://www.facebook.com/groups/163229553785809/

1. Observe the entry of learning on the road/Akasekawa, Fujiseromi, Nankafang/Editor, Yan Keting, Huang Bijun, Lin Xiangbi/Translation/Pedestrian Publishing, 2014
2. The image of the city /Kevin Lynch, the translation of Hu Jiaxuan /Yuanliu Publishing, 2014
3. Urban password: Observe the 100 scenarios of the city /Anne Mikoleit, Moritz Purckhauer, Hong Shimin Translation /Pedestrian Publishing, 2012
4. The birth and decline of great cities: inspiration of urban street life /Jane Jacobs, Wu Zhengzhong translated /Lian Jing published, 2007
5. Taichung Literature: Review of the development of historical architecture in Taichung (before 1945) album /Lin Liangzhe, Yuan Xingyan /Taichung Cultural Bureau published, 2003
6. 2009 Taichung School Symposium: Collection of Art and Culture Papers /Published by Hong Qingfeng /Taichung Cultural Bureau, 2009
7. Know Taichung /Wang Qingqian /Wang Qingqian, 2007
8. Fine -flavored Taichung /Liu Shufu, Su Liying /Eryu Culture, 2014
9. Taichung School Series (ten volumes in total) /Liao Zhenfu waiting /Published by Taichung Cultural Bureau, 2016
10. Taichung painting book: During the Japanese rule of the video and travel notes /Wang Zhicheng, Zhang Liangze /Taichung Municipal Cultural Bureau published, 2017
11. Taichung Historical Map Walk /Digital Cultural Center of the Central Research Institute /Taiwan East Train, 2018
12. The Central Regenerative Base Team (DRF) Facebook http://www.facebook.com/goodotvillage< br/> 13. Dadun Club_Munzhe Facebook Http://www.facebook.com/groups/163229553785809/br />

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Usually grades: homework and attendance status
Mid -term report
Final report

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[HT101]
授課教師 Teacher:蘇睿弼
修課班級 Class:共必修 2-4
選課備註 Memo:建築系2799雙掛課程;建築系不得選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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