(本課綱為暫定版, 確定版以開學後社會系課程網站公布的為準)
藝術社會學探討藝術創作在社會當中的各種意涵。藝術向是人類社會當中極其特殊的活動,本課程探索藝術創作於社會當中的意義與目的,以及創作與社會的關係,包括藝術創作者社會身份的特殊性、藝術活動/職業所具備的經濟與文化意義。此外,藝術創作活動本身的社會過程與條件,以及創作者所置身的社會網絡,亦是藝術社會學所關心的課題。而藝術創作的產物—藝術作品,其產出的流程,意義的賦予機制(包含創作者本身、受眾,以及藝評家所賦予作品的價值),作品所承載的社會性、以及對社會的塑造力,也是課程中將討論的重點議題。本課程的主要讀本為Alexander, Victoria D.所著的 Sociology of The Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms MA: Blackwell Publishing. 除了因為其內容架構堪稱完整勾勒出藝術社會學關懷的主題之外,也是因為此書的中譯本,為少數翻譯成中文的藝術社會學讀物。但是本課程並不拘泥侷限於此一單獨教材,教師將編撰提供其他參考讀本,平行閱讀,相互參照批判。職是之故,耕讀主要讀本的過程中,應該抱持批判性的檢視態度,也應深刻掌握相關課題在台灣社會及藝術場域的特殊性。(This course is a fixed version, and the confirmation version is based on the post-study social department course website)
Arts and society explores the various implications of artistic creation in society. Artistic orientation is the most special activity in human society. This course explores the meaning and purpose of artistic creation in society, as well as the relationship between creation and society, including the particularity of the social identity of artistic creators, the economic and cultural meanings of artistic activities/vocations. In addition, the social processes and conditions of the artistic creative activities themselves, as well as the social network in which the creator is located, are also subjects of concern to the art society. The production process of artistic creation, the meaning of the payment mechanism (including the creator himself, the audience, and the value of the works given by the critic), the social nature of the works and the shaping power of society, are also the key topics to be discussed in the course. The main reading book of this course is Sociology of The Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms MA: Blackwell Publishing. In addition to the content structure that can fully outline the subject of artistic social concern, it is also because the Chinese translation of this book is translated into a few Chinese artistic social readings. However, this course is not limited to this single textbook. The teacher will compile and provide other reference books, read in parallel, and refer to and criticize each other. Because of the job, during the process of reading books, we should have a critical viewing attitude and deeply understand the particularity of related topics in Taiwan's social and artistic fields.
Alexander, Victoria D., 2003, Sociology of The Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms. MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Alexander, Victoria D., 2003, Sociology of The Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms. MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Chinese translation: Zhang Zhenglin and Chen Juehao, 2006, "Art Society: Exploration of Exquisite and Popular Forms". Taipei: The giant stream.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時表現、出席平時表現、出席 Performance and attendance at ordinary times |
10 | |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
40 | |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
40 | |
個人作業個人作業 Personal action |
10 |