course information of 106 - 2 | 3396 Social Enterprise(社會:社會企業研討)

Taught In English3396 - 社會:社會企業研討 Social Enterprise

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標: 1.有系統介紹社會企業相關知識 2.幫助學生了解社會企業之實務運作 3.幫助學生建立社會企業的人脈 4.培養學生創業能力 課程內涵: 「社會企業」在社會福利與環境政策具領先的創新地位,而且在全球經濟衰退的過程中具有輔助復甦的功能。但台灣對社會企業的研究往往超過實踐,而且所累積的運用知識相當有限。本課程包括社會企業理論與實務分享,邀請有實務經驗的社會企業專家蒞臨本校做專題演講。透過此課程,學生先由社會企業的理論,進而學習政府相關的租稅優惠、經費補助、輔導機制、法規規範,再透過實務面學習社會企業的經營理念、品牌行銷、產品服務、研發創新與成效評估。透過學習社會企業的觀念性架構及配合本國成功發展的社會企業經營模式,一來可以培養學生關懷社會的情操,甚至進一步提出創新的商業模式,永續營運社會企業,並達到解決社會問題的效果。 Course Target: 1. System introduction of social and enterprise-related knowledge 2. Help students understand the practical operation of social enterprises 3. Help students establish social enterprises 4. Cultivate students' entrepreneurial skills Course content: "Social Enterprise" has a leading innovative position in social welfare and environmental policy, and has the function of assisting recovery in the process of global economic recession. However, Taiwan's research on social enterprises is often beyond the reach, and the accumulated operating knowledge is quite limited. This course includes social enterprise theory and practical sharing, and invites social enterprise experts with practical experience to give special lectures at the school. Through this course, students first learn the government-related tax benefits, fee support, guidance mechanism, and legal regulations from the theory of social enterprises, and then learn the business philosophy, brand marketing, product services, research and development innovation and effectiveness evaluation of social enterprises through practical aspects. Through learning the conceptual structure of social enterprises and the social enterprise management model that cooperates with the successful development of the country, students can cultivate their sentiments of society, and even further propose innovative business models to continue to operate social enterprises and achieve the effect of solving social problems.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) 官有垣、陳錦榮、陸宛蘋與王仕圖,2013,社會企業:台灣與香港的比較,巨流圖書公司。
(2) 張明輝與周筱姿,2013,公益理想實踐之路,資誠 (PwC)

(1) Officials include Yuan, Chen Fengrong, Lu Wansu and Wang Shi, 2013, Social Enterprise: Comparison between Taiwan and Hong Kong, Juliu Book Company.
(2) Zhang Mingxi and Zhou Xiaozi, 2013, The Road to Ideal for Public Welfare, Integrity (PwC)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[M145]
授課教師 Teacher:許恩得
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:可抵免公民文化;二教區上課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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