course information of 106 - 2 | 3394 Social Sciences: Money, Self, and Modern Society(社會:金錢、自我與現代社會)

Taught In English3394 - 社會:金錢、自我與現代社會 Social Sciences: Money, Self, and Modern Society

教育目標 Course Target

本課程設定為大學通識社會選修課程,目標為豐富學生對於當代資本主義現象與自我發展之深入探討。 本課程主要內涵為:以當代金錢與市場現象,以及社會衝突為切入點,探索自我形成、社會關係、社會交換、權力、階級、異化、商品化、意識型態、社會衝突等議題。 簡言之,過去三十年來,社會貧富兩極化、普遍的金錢匱乏感、不確定性的恐懼,以及消費社會中各種青年貧窮化現象,逐漸成為全球資本主義社會生活的基本特徵。在這一的社會脈絡下,「金錢」與「市場」成為政府引導公共資源分配的核心邏輯,以及影響台灣社會發展方向的意識型態。同時,在日常生活的層次,「金錢」與「市場」也成為人們理解「自我價值」、「尊嚴」,以及建構「社會關係」的行動邏輯。市場化的價值觀逐漸滲透到各個「非市場領域」,包括政治、教育、醫療、宗教、家庭乃至於個人日常生活等,金錢作為全球化時代的「治理」概念,同時也帶來了更為全面且深入的社會衝突。 本課程將針對金錢、工作、消費、公共資源分配等議題,帶領學生探索自我與台灣社會的近代發展,以及當前社會衝突現象的社會根源。This course is set as a college general society selection course, with the goal of enriching students' in-depth discussions on contemporary capitalist phenomena and self-development. The main connotation of this course is: taking contemporary money and market phenomena, as well as social conflicts as the starting point, and explore issues such as self-formation, social relations, social exchanges, power, level, differentiation, commercialization, consciousness type, and social conflicts. In short, over the past thirty years, the two extreme social wealth, the general sense of money, the uncertain fear, and the various youth in consumer society have gradually become the basic characteristics of global capitalist social life. Under this social structure, "money" and "market" have become the core logic for the government to guide public resource allocation, as well as the ideology that affects the direction of social development in Taiwan. At the same time, at the level of daily life, "money" and "market" have also become the action logic for people to understand "self-value", "respect", and the construction of "social relations". Market-oriented value view gradually penetrates into various "non-market areas", including politics, education, medicine, religion, family and even personal daily life. Money, as the concept of "governance" in the era of globalization, also brings more comprehensive and in-depth social conflicts. This course will discuss issues such as money, work, consumption, and public resource allocation, and lead students to explore the modern development of themselves and Taiwan society, as well as the social roots of current social conflicts.

參考書目 Reference Books

Ferguson, Nail著,杜默譯,2009,《貨幣崛起:金融資本如何改變世界歷史及其未來之路》。台北:麥田出版。
Simmel, Georg著,顧仁明譯,2000,《金錢、性別、現代生活風格》。上海:學林出版社。
Zelizer, Viviana A. 2004,《金錢的社會意義》,陳難能譯,台北:正中出版。
Zelizer, Viviana A. 2009,《親密關係的購買》,姚偉、劉永強譯,上海:上海人民出版。
Ferguson, Nail, Dumer, 2009, "The Rise of Coins: How Financial Capital Changes World History and Its Future Path". Taipei: Maitian Publishing.
Simmel, Georg, Minglu, 2000, "Money, Gender, Modern Life Style". Shanghai: Xuelin Publishing House.
Zelizer, Viviana A. 2004, "The Social Meaning of Money", translated by Chen Qianneng, Taipei: Zhengzhong Publishing.
Zelizer, Viviana A. 2009, "Purchasing of Secret Relations", translated by Yao Wei and Liu Yong, Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
30 出席、課堂參與討論、依照議題臨時分組。
Midterm operation
30 自我的金錢價值觀剖析,以日常生活的社會觀察為例。
Final operation
40 以本課程的架構,討論全球金錢衝突的文化現象。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[C215]
授課教師 Teacher:魏少君
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:可抵免公民文化
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 80 人。

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