course information of 106 - 2 | 3375 The Intellectual Foundations of(社會:日本型社會的組織原理)

Taught In English3375 - 社會:日本型社會的組織原理 The Intellectual Foundations of

教育目標 Course Target

「國家民族的命運全部隱藏於國民性當中」這一類托克維爾式的歷史社會學修辭, 雖然無法實證,但是,諸如日本社會在常識上被認為具有集體性的傾向、重視對權威的服從等論述, 我們卻也難以反對。另外,日裔的美國歷史社會學者法蘭西斯?福山也這樣說:「在日本, 長期存在著長子優位繼承的慣行, 只有長子可能繼承家業, 所以次子以下的男子, 自幼即有離『家』自謀生計的準備。同時, 這使得日本人對於血緣關係較不執著, 但是對於『家』的存續非常重視。此一社會文化傾向, 造成日本人對於引進無血緣關係之人繼承家業並無太大抵抗」。所以, 就法社會學的觀點而言, 在日本的社會文化中, 個人可以說幾乎完全依附於組織當中。而組織與組織之間橫向聯繫能力的薄弱,以及個人所屬集團的單一化,使得個人在組織間移動極?困難。但從結果看來,這樣的行動模式,強化了日本人對組織的忠誠心,使得日本成?注重組織?「縱向人際關係」的社會。而這種社會形態的構成,不只基於個人的自制與道德感,當然也來自利己主義的驅策。就此一意義而言,日本的首相很難成?強人, 日本社會似乎也不期待強人首相的出現。這與同屬東亞民主國家的台灣和韓國,在近年來的民主化過程中所描繪的政治軌跡非常地不同。 另一方面,戰後日本政治學界對於政治過程主導權的所在, 卻非常感興趣,並且展開了長期且活潑的論爭。以東大法學部教授?清明為代表的「官僚主導論」,原為主流,但在1981年後, 京大法學部的村松歧夫以實證研究提出「政黨主導論」,展開對「官僚主導論」的質疑與挑戰。然而, 無論是?的「官僚主導論」或者是村松的「政黨主導論」,甚至內包在「政黨主導論」中的派閥政治、族議員政治等代表「議員主導」的政策形成論, 事實上強調的都是「組織型」的統治而非「個人型」的統治。亦即, 個人主導型政治或特定政治人物在政治過程中的功能, 在日本向來不被重視。這與東亞其他民主國家在近代化過程及現代政治的運作中,政治領袖在政治過程中,經常被凸顯的「人治」色彩相比的話,毫無疑問地,充分顯現日本政治的特異性。本課程將嘗試以[日本人與組織]、[日本型能力主義]、[終身雇用制與日本文化]、[組織社會中個人的探求]等議題,帶領同學們接近日本社會構造的核心。"The destiny of the nation is hidden in the nature of the people." Although this Tokville-style historical social revision cannot be verified, we cannot object to the arguments such as the common sense that Japanese society is regarded as a collective orientation and a emphasis on the service of authority. In addition, Francis, a Japanese-American historical socialist? Fukuyama also said this: "In Japan, there have been a long-term habit of inheriting the elders' superiority. Only the elders may inherit the family business. Therefore, men below the second son have been prepared to leave their homes since childhood. At the same time, this makes the Japanese less concerned about blood relationships, but they are very concerned about the survival of the "family". This social and cultural trend has caused the Japanese to have no resistance to people who lead to blood relationships to inherit the family business." Therefore, in terms of the view of legal society, in Japanese social culture, individuals can say that they are almost completely attached to the organization. The weak ability of organization and organization to connect, and the unity of individual groups, make individuals move extremely between organizations? difficulty. But from the results, this action model strengthened the Japanese's loyalty to the organization and made Japan successful? Pay attention to organization? "Towards the social relationship" society. The structure of this social form is not only based on personal self-control and moral sense, but of course it also comes from a policy of self-interest. As for this, is it difficult for Japan's Prime Minister to succeed? Strong people, Japanese society does not seem to expect the emergence of a strong prime minister. This is very different from the political trajectory described in the process of democratization in recent years, Taiwan and South Korea, which are the same democratic countries in East Asia. On the other hand, after the war, the Japanese political community was very interested in the location of the political process's leadership and had a long and lively debate. As a professor in the Department of Law of Dongda University? The "bureaucratic leadership discussion" represented by Qingming was originally mainstream, but after 1981, Muramatsu Kiomoto of the Law Department of Kyoto University proposed "political leadership discussion" through practical research to develop doubts and challenges to "bureaucratic leadership discussion". However, no? The "bureaucratic leaders" or Muramatsu's "master-led discussion", and even the policy formation of representatives such as "master-led discussion" in "master-led discussion" is actually emphasized by the "master-led discussion" rather than the "personal-led governance". That is, the functions of individually-led politics or specific political figures in the political process are never valued in Japan. In the modernization process and modern politics, political leaders in the political process are often compared with the prominent "rule of man" color, which fully demonstrates the uniqueness of Japanese politics without any doubt. This course will try to lead classmates to the core of Japanese social structure based on topics such as [Japanese and organization], [Japanese competency theory], [final employment system and Japanese culture], and [personal exploration in organizational society].

參考書目 Reference Books


1. F. Fukuyama, Trust, 1995. (Chinese translation of "Trust", Establishing Culture, 2001).
2. Yamamoto Shigehei "Japanese people", 2004 (first edition 1970). (Chinese translation of "The Japanese and the Jewishun", "The Publishing Industry, 1994).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
40 上課表現,發問,回答問題,作業等綜合評價
Midterm exam
30 書面報告,分組討論
Final exam
30 研究報告,分組討論,口試

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[H104]
授課教師 Teacher:陳永峰
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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