course information of 106 - 2 | 3342 Programming Language - IoT Design with Java(自然:程式語言–Java與物聯網設計與運算思維)

Taught In English3342 - 自然:程式語言–Java與物聯網設計與運算思維 Programming Language - IoT Design with Java

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標: 1.程式語言撰寫能力培養 2.認識物聯網產品與基本操作 3.透過程式語言進行感測裝置的控制與數位產品創作 內涵: Java是一個相當成熟而強大的程式語言,其物件導向設計方式、跨平台執行及豐富的網路操作函式庫能力 ,使其被廣泛地運用於桌面軟體、電子商務網站、Android apps等。 另一方面,數位行動化已到一個相當成熟的階段,進而產生各項設備與網路結合的需求,也就是所謂IoT 物聯網時代,許多相關產品,如著名的Arduino、樹莓派(Raspberry Pi)等應時而生。其中樹莓派 (Raspberry Pi)是一款基於ARM架構的單板機電腦。本身具有RJ45、WIFI、藍芽等網路連線功能,HDMI輸 出功能,但大小却只約一張名片。體積小但功能強大,讓IoT的應用開發更為便利。 本課程透過Java 程式引導學生了解電腦程式語言編碼,學生可以由此認識到電腦世界如何處理問題方法 ,並培養邏輯思考的能力,讓其面臨本身學科事務時,可以多一維思考方向。課程中也會介紹物聯網產品的基 本安裝與使用,並將所學的程式語言實際與IoT產品結合,讓學生可以對此非常熱門的物連網議題有一個具體 的概念。Course Target: 1. Training in programming language writing skills 2. Know the Internet of Things products and basic operations 3. Control the sensing device and digital product creation through programming language Connotation: Java is a very mature and powerful programming language, with object-oriented design methods, cross-platform execution and rich network operation library capabilities. , making it widely used in desktop software, e-commerce websites, Android apps, etc. On the other hand, digital mobile has reached a very mature stage, thus generating the need to combine various equipment with the Internet, which is the so-called IoT In the Internet era, many related products, such as the famous Arduino and Raspberry Pi, should be born at the time. Among them, the treeberry pie (Raspberry Pi) is a single-board computer based on an ARM architecture. It has network connection functions such as RJ45, WIFI, and blue buds, and HDMI transmission. It has a function, but the size is only about one business card. The body is small but powerful, making IoT application development more convenient. This course guides students to understand computer programming language code through Java programs, so students can understand how the computer world handles problems , and cultivate the ability to rethink logically, so that they can think more when facing their own academic affairs. The basics of Internet products will also be introduced during the course Intrinsically installed and used, and combining the learned programming language with IoT products, allowing students to have a specific topic of this very popular networking topic concept.

參考書目 Reference Books

Raspberry Pi 樹莓派 從不懂,到玩上手!/陳會安/旗標
Raspberry Pi 超炫專案與完全實戰
Raspberry Pi Nothing to know, but I can get started with it! /Chen Hengan/Flags
Raspberry Pi Super cool project and complete war

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
Midterm Report
30 書面報告
Not reported in the period
30 書面報告及實作展示

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6,7[ST023]
授課教師 Teacher:曾衙竣
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:資工系、資管系學生不得選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 58 人。

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