course information of 106 - 2 | 3331 The Food Trip about “From Farm to Table”(自然:從產地到餐桌的食物旅行)

Taught In English3331 - 自然:從產地到餐桌的食物旅行 The Food Trip about “From Farm to Table”

教育目標 Course Target

台灣農業推廣學會定義食農教育為「食農教育是一種體驗教育的過程,學習者經由與食物、飲食工作者、動植物、農民、自然環境和相關行動者互動之體驗過程,認識在地的農業、正確的飲食生活方式和其所形成的文化,以及農業和飲食方式對生態環境造成的影響。」這樣課程由農學院的老師來一起教授是最恰當且合適。本課程將帶領學生先對食農教育有所認識,包含原食材的認識,食材的應用,營養成分分析,產品的開發、產品行銷….等等。除了了解原本的食農教育中農業、飲食和環境教育的本質外,本課程之特色將結合農院三系,包餐旅管理系、畜產系、食科系,將產地到餐桌的完整流程,透過三系老師的教導,可將整個製成的連結進行更完整的呈現,學生在學習上能夠在看到整個製成的狀態下,更有效的吸收。同時,產地到餐桌的知識教育對所有的大學生而言,其可落實到了解自己每日所吃的食物。若有更深入的興趣,也可成為青年農民,為台灣的農業帶來不一樣的新氣象。Taiwan Agricultural Promotion Association defines food and agriculture education as "Food agriculture is a process of experience education. Learners are the experience process of interaction with food, dieters, animals and plants, farmers, natural environments and related actors. They understand the local agriculture, the correct eating lifestyle and the culture they form, as well as the impact of agriculture and eating methods on the ecological environment." This course is most appropriate and appropriate for teachers from the agriculture institute to teach. This course will lead students to understand food and agriculture education first, including the understanding of the original ingredients, the application of ingredients, the analysis of nutrients, product development, product marketing, etc. In addition to understanding the nature of agricultural, diet and environmental education in the original food education, the characteristics of this course will combine the three departments of the agriculture, including the Department of Catering and Tourism Management, Animals and Food Department, and bring the complete process of producing the site to the dining table. Through the teaching of teachers from the three departments, the entire production link can be presented more fully, so that students can absorb the entire production situation more effectively while seeing the entire production. At the same time, knowledge education from the place to the table can be implemented to understand the food they eat every day. If you have a deeper interest, you can also become a young farmer and bring different new atmospheres to Taiwan's agriculture.

參考書目 Reference Books

丹, 巴柏 著,郭寶蓮 譯。第三餐盤(The Third Plate)。商周出版(2016)

Dan, Baber, translated by Guo Baoling. The Third Plate. Shang and Zhou Publishing (2016)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course attendance
Midterm Report
Results Publishing

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[C204]
授課教師 Teacher:許馨云/陳錚中/邱致穎
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:USR計畫課程,課程與「自然:從產地到餐桌的教育」部分重疊,請修課同學留意。化材系不得選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 54 人。

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