course information of 106 - 2 | 3309 Electric Vehicle Power System Theory and Application Work(自然:新能源電動車動力系統原理及實習)

Taught In English3309 - 自然:新能源電動車動力系統原理及實習 Electric Vehicle Power System Theory and Application Work

教育目標 Course Target

由於人類對環保需求的迫切,以及全球資源的限制,使得新能源的各種應用有快速發展的產業機運。加上近年來充電電池,半導體和軟體技術的進步,新能源的各種應用更為廣泛。本課程目標是由對新能源技術的原理說明,來探討未來新能源的發展趨勢。對於電動車動力電池部分會做深入的說明。同時,創新已經成為社會所看重的觀念,本課程會以maker的方式,在東海電動車綠能工作室中,學習電動車設計製作和太陽能發電應用。目的引領學生實際動手工作的精神和態度,培養將來進入新能源產業發展的知識。 太陽能發電,儲能電池系統,電動車,不同的動力電池系統,新能源系統設計,太陽能發電網路管理等...,均為本課程的範圍。 本課程歡迎不同系所(不限於理工科系)的學生選修,課程目的是要使學生瞭解新能源電動車和太陽能技術,以及在工作室中以maker方式學習。學術背景不同的學生相互討論未來新能源發展趨勢,瞭解其他領域相關專業知識,同時建立學生對創新的觀念和激勵學生對創新的熱情。 Due to the urgent human demand for environmental protection and the limitation of global resources, various applications of new energy have rapidly developed industrial machines. With the advancement of charging batteries, semiconductor and software technologies in recent years, various applications of new energy have become more extensive. The purpose of this course is to explain the principles of new energy technology to explore the development trends of new energy in the future. In-depth explanation will be given on the electric motor battery part. At the same time, innovation has become a society's focus on the concept. This course will learn electric vehicle design and solar power generation applications in the East Sea Electric Green Studio in the form of a maker. Objective To guide students' spirit and attitude toward actual manual work and cultivate the knowledge that will enter the development of new energy industry. Solar power generation, energy storage battery system, electric vehicles, different power battery systems, new energy system design, solar power generation network management, etc., are all in the scope of this course. This course is welcome to take the course from different departments (not limited to science and engineering). The purpose of the course is to enable students to understand new energy electric and solar technology, as well as learn in the studio in a maker way. Students with different academic backgrounds discuss future trends of new energy development, understand professional knowledge related to other fields, and at the same time establish students' awareness of innovation and inspire students' enthusiasm for innovation.

參考書目 Reference Books

Electric Motors and Drives, Fundamentals, Types, and Applications by Austin Hughes and Bill Drury
The Impending Dominance of the Electric Car and Why America Must Take Charge by James Billmaier
Electric Motors and Drives, Fundamentals, Types, and Applications by Austin Hughes and Bill Drury
The Impending Dominance of the Electric Car and Why America Must Take Charge by James Billmaier
(No purchase is required, necessary professional English will be introduced during the course)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Participation
Study period report
Studio practice

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[C205]
授課教師 Teacher:沈曉白
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:歡迎文學院、管理學院學生修習
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 57 人。

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