course information of 106 - 2 | 3292 Introduction to Natural Sciences(自然:自然科學概論)

Taught In English3292 - 自然:自然科學概論 Introduction to Natural Sciences

教育目標 Course Target

化學:隨著時間的推演,因科技的日新月異,使得人類的生活更加便利及完善,但同時亦帶來資源的耗損及環境的破壞和污染。本課程將以化學為主軸,透過不同主題的探討,讓學生了解生活、科技與環境的關連性。 物理:提供非理工類領域的學生對於物理學基礎理論與進展應用的知識。本課程將藉由日常生活經驗、週遭環境及大自然變化現象來瞭解自然科學的特性與其原理,俾能讓文學院、社會科學院及管理學院學生,知悉自然科學之本質及其精神所在。經由深入淺出的方式介紹自然科學相關的基礎並加以評析之,讓學生對自然科學的方法有系統之瞭解,俾不致於產生偏見或誤解而不察覺。學生在通過此課程後,可獲得物理學與日常生活中相關的化學知識。 化學授課內容: 生命元素 化學與人生/梁碧峰 編著 第一章 生命物質 化學與人生/梁碧峰 編著 第二章 飲食化學 化學與人生/梁碧峰 編著 第三章 服飾化學 化學與人生/梁碧峰 編著 第五章 化妝品化學 化學與人生/梁碧峰 編著 第六章 能源化學 化學與人生/梁碧峰 編著 第七章 環境化學 化學與人生/梁碧峰 編著 第八章 材料化學 化學與人生/梁碧峰 編著 第九章 物理授課內容﹕ 第一週 一維運動與牛頓定律-伽利略的自由落體、等加速度運動與能量 第二週 圓周運動與天文學-克普勒的行星運動定律、牛頓的重力定律 第三週 簡諧運動與拋體運動-共振 第四週 靜電學-閃電、電力 第五週 靜磁學-磁力與磁浮 第六週 波動與光-電磁感應、電磁波、折射、繞射 第七週 近代物理-量子物理的基本原理、原子、電子與奈米世界 第八週 近代科技-雷射、半導體、超導體與材料科學 Chemistry: With the deduction of time, due to the rapid development of technology, human life has become more convenient and perfect, but at the same time it also brings resource consumption and environmental damage and pollution. This course will focus on chemistry, and through explorations of different topics, students will understand the relationship between life, technology and the environment. Physics: Provides students' knowledge on basic theories and development applications in physics in non-scientific and technological fields. This course will understand the characteristics and principles of natural science through daily life experiences, the changes in the environment and nature every week, so that students in the School of Literature, School of Social Science and School of Management can understand the essence of natural science and its spirit. By introducing and analyzing the basics related to natural sciences through in-depth and pure methods, students can have a systematic understanding of the natural science methods so that they will not cause bias or misunderstanding without being observed. After passing this course, students can obtain chemistry knowledge related to physics and daily life. Chemistry course content: Elements of Life Chemistry and Life/Edited by Liang Bifeng Chapter 1 Life Materials Chemistry and Life/Edited by Liang Bifeng Chapter 2 Diet Chemistry Chemistry and Life/Edited by Liang Bifeng Chapter 3 Costume Chemistry and Life/Edited by Liang Bifeng Chapter 5 Chemicals Chemistry and Life/Edited by Liang Bifeng Chapter 6 Energy Chemistry Chemistry and Life/Edited by Liang Bifeng Chapter 7 Environmental Chemistry Chemistry and Life/Edited by Liang Bifeng Chapter 8 Materials Chemistry Chemistry and Life/Edited by Liang Bifeng Chapter 9 Physics teaching content: Week 1: Monday Via Sports and Niuton's Law - Galileo's Free Fallen, Equiacitive Movement and Energy Week 2: Round-circular motion and astronomy-Kepler's law of planetary motion, Niutun's law of gravity Week 3: Smooth sports and physical sports-resonance Week 4: Silent Electrical Science-Flash, Power Week 5: Static Magnetics - Magnetic and Magnetic Float Week 6 Waves and light-electromagnetic induction, electromagnetic waves, refraction, and radiation Week 7 Modern Physics - The Basic Principles, Atoms, Electronics and Nano Worlds of Quantum Physics Week 8 Modern Technology-Laser, Semiconductor, Superconductor and Materials Science

課程概述 Course Description

本課程將藉由日常生活經驗、週遭環境及大自然變化現象來瞭解自然科學的特性與其原理,俾能讓文學院、社會科學院及管理學院學生,知悉自然科學之本質及其精神所在。 經由深入淺出的方式介紹自然科學相關的基礎並加以評析之,讓學生對自然科學的方法有系統之瞭解,俾不致於產生偏見或誤解而不察覺。 學生在通過此課程後,學生可獲得物理學與日常生活中相關的化學、數學知識,可將所學擴展至身心健康和生活環境,在生物科技深入日常生活的現代社會,學習基本的生命科學知識,把生命科學融入生活當中培養觀察思維,從而具備生物科學認知的通才。可對現今生物學的內容與其在醫藥上的應用能有所認識;也可學習從生物學角度去重新審視或結合其所學專業文法商社會領域的知識內容。
This course will understand the characteristics and principles of natural science through daily life experiences, the changes in the environment and nature every week, so that students in the School of Literature, School of Social Science and School of Management can understand the essence of natural science and its spirit. By introducing and analyzing the basics related to natural sciences through in-depth and pure methods, students can have a systematic understanding of the natural science methods so that they will not cause bias or misunderstanding without being observed. After passing this course, students can gain knowledge about chemistry and mathematics related to physics and daily life, expand their studies to physical and mental health and living environment, learn basic life science knowledge in the modern society of biotechnology, integrate life science into life, cultivate observation and thinking, and thus have a generalist in bioscience knowledge. You can understand the content of today's biology and its application in medicine; you can also learn the knowledge content from a biological perspective or combine it with the professional grammar trading social field they have learned.

參考書目 Reference Books


Physics: http://phys.thu.edu.tw/~ycchen/nature
Chemistry: Chemistry and Life/Edited by Liang Bifeng, Taipei Huayi Digital Co., Ltd., 2012

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

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必修-3293 Introduction to Natural Sciences / 自然:自然科學概論 (共必修1-4,授課教師:陳永忠/梁碧峰,四/5,6,7[M220])
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8,9[SS109]
授課教師 Teacher:陳永忠/梁碧峰
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:理學院、化材系學生不得選修,課程內容為物理和化學單元,3291-3292加選後會調整人數
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 95 人。

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