course information of 106 - 2 | 3256 Selected Readings on Tao Yuan-ming’s Writings(人文:陶淵明詩文選讀)

Taught In English3256 - 人文:陶淵明詩文選讀 Selected Readings on Tao Yuan-ming’s Writings

教育目標 Course Target

陶淵明及其作品不論在中國文學或思想史上都有獨特的地位,不僅足以為六朝文人之代表,其處世態度與詩文著述對歷代文人之影響更是無遠弗屆。本課程希望藉由陶淵明生平與思想的探討,以及其詩文作品的研讀,使學生深入瞭解陶淵明,並評價作品成就與地位。除概述陶淵明所處時代背景與思想文化外,陶淵明詩文之閱讀方式,大致依其生平詩文繫年進行,如此可更使學生瞭解陶淵明在不同時期及境遇下之作品意蘊。最後並探討陶淵明對中國文學與思想的影響。Tao Jingming and his works have a unique position in Chinese literature or the history of thought. They are not only sufficient to represent the literati of the Six Dynasties, but their influence on the literati of the times and the influence of their geniuses on the literati of the times is even more unlucky. This course hopes that through the exploration of Tao Jingming's life and thoughts, as well as the study of his poetry works, students can gain a deep understanding of Tao Jingming and evaluate the achievements and status of their works. In addition to outlining the background and ideological culture of Tao Jingming's era, the way Tao Jingming's poems is read roughly based on his life and poetry in the year of poetry, which can further help students understand the meaning of Tao Jingming's works at different times and circumstances. Finally, we will explore the influence of Tao Jingming on Chinese literature and thought.

參考書目 Reference Books

Tao Shu’s note: "Collection of Mr. Jinglei", Taipei: Huazheng Book Bureau, 1987.
Gu Zhiqing's note: "Tao Jing's poems and poems attached to the year", Taipei: Guangwen Book Bureau, 1990.
Lu Qiongli's note: "Collected by Tao Jingming", Taipei: Liren Book Bureau, 1985.
Yuan Xingpei: "Collected Notes from Tao Jingming", Beijing: China Book Bureau, 2005.
"Editor of Tao Jingming Data", Beijing: China Book Bureau, 2005.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Study session
Attendance rate

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/5,6[H206]
授課教師 Teacher:陳慶元
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:中文系0042雙掛課程;中文系不得選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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