依古羅馬歷史演變,將建築的發展和文化的關係做清楚的說明,分析在每一個重大的建設成就後皆有豐富的文化內涵和堅實的社會特質作為基礎。此外,並將古羅馬的一些建設成就和中國的建築文化(城市和民居)做對比性的說明,增加對中西建築文化瞭解的深度。The specific description of the nature and characteristics of Western classical architectural culture allows students to understand the relationship between the development and culture of ancient Rome as the basis of understanding the development of Western Renaissance architecture and cultural development; and further understanding the ancient Roman architectural culture and Chinese architecture The similarities and differences in culture increase the depth of understanding of Chinese and Western culture.
According to the evolution of the ancient Roman history, we clearly explained the development of architecture and the relationship between culture, and analyzed the rich cultural connotation and solid social characteristics as the foundation after each major construction achievement. In addition, some ancient Rome's construction achievements and China's architectural culture (cities and residential houses) are comparative explanations, increasing the depth of understanding of the culture of Chinese and Western architectural culture.
■ Ancient Roman Roman: Selected Translation of Rome History Data, Xing Yitian, Yuanliu Press, 1997
■ Roman civilization, Wang Xin, Times Culture Publishing, 2010.
■ Wisdom of ancient Rome: Traditional and pragmatic virtue models, Guo Changgang, etc., Xinchao Society, 2003
■ Explore ancient Roman civilization, Zhang Nan, etc., business printing, 2008
■ Endowned ancient Roman civilization, full of forests, etc., Liaosi Publishing House, 2008.
■ Lost civilization: Ancient Rome. Guo Changgang, East China Normal University Press, 2004.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Secondary entrance examination |
40 | 筆試 |
作業作業 Work |
20 | 其中考後兩週交,一千字的閱讀心得(手寫)。 |
期中報告期中報告 Mid -term report |
40 | 三人一組,撰寫兩千字的研習報告(附圖,報告前三天上傳網站),期末上台報告(兩人抽籤上台各五分鐘),題目抽籤(期中考後)決定。 |