course information of 106 - 2 | 3249 Introduction of Interior Design(人文:室內設計與美學)

Taught In English3249 - 人文:室內設計與美學 Introduction of Interior Design

教育目標 Course Target

課程內涵: 本課程一方面經由台灣鄉土藝術的介紹、探討與導覽鑑賞,使修習者對台灣鄉土文化藝術有具體而深層的體會,另一方面作主題焦點探討,講授田野知識採集過程方法,同時透過戶外教學、實作體驗與寫作規劃,對知識體系的建立和資訊採集研究方法進行基礎培育。課程內容包括:台灣傳統民藝、傳統建築、戲曲歌謠、民間信仰與節慶活動藝術、台灣客家暨原住民族文化藝術等。 課程目標: 1.經由認知基礎培養對台灣鄉土藝術題材的鑑賞素養,進而對台灣本土文化的發展建立宏觀的認知態度、擴大人文視野襟懷,並經由主題焦點探討和知識採集方法探索體驗,培養知識管理和方法,達成「博雅」通識教育目標。 2.本課程作為通識教育功能目標,在概念上看待所謂「通」者,不是「普普通通」的通!而希望是:「打通任督二脈」的通!是「融會貫通‧一通百通」的通!所以課程中將會相當重視基本認知、知識系統化方法的基本訓練,因此觀察研究、資訊採集、寫作表達等,知識分類方法、條理化素養培養將為不可或缺的重點。Curriculum connotation: On the one hand, this course is introduced, discussed and guided by the local art of Taiwan, so that the practitioners have a specific and profound experience in Taiwan's local culture and art. Teaching, practical experience and writing planning, basic cultivation of the establishment of the knowledge system and the research method of information collection. The content of the curriculum includes: Taiwan's traditional folk art, traditional architecture, opera and ballads, folk beliefs and festivals, Taiwan Hakka and indigenous national culture and art. Course goal: 1. Through the basics of cognitive foundation, the appreciation of Taiwan's local art themes, and then establish a macro cognitive attitude towards the development of local culture of Taiwan, expand the humanistic vision, and explore the experience of theme focus and knowledge collection method to cultivate knowledge management and methods , Achieve the "Boya" general education goal. 2. This course, as the goal of general education function, the so -called "general" person is not a "ordinary" general! The hope is: "Open the two pulses of Ren Du"! It is the passage of "integration and penetration ‧ one pass"! Therefore, the course will attach great importance to the basic training of basic cognition and systematic knowledge. Therefore, observing research, information collection, writing expression, etc., knowledge classification methods and articles of artistic literacy will be an indispensable focus.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.設計的法則 2011-01台北:大雁出版
3.李進旗 《中國日本傳統庭園比較研究》 1988.台北:淡江建研碩士論文
5. Paul N.Hague,Peter Jackson孫拓譯市場調查實務與技巧》2版1996︰小知堂文化事業有限公司
7'陳建興技師94.08.24 《水電工程設備課程》 ︰建築師公會。
8.李碩重《照明設計學》 4版86.07 ︰金華科技圖書股份有限公司。
9.李榮裕.黃永泰.劉金昌等6人《建築設備》77.03 ︰東大圖書公司。

1. The Law of Design 2011-01 Taipei: Da Yan Publishing
2. Wang Shixiang's "Research on Ming -style Furniture" 1995.04. Taipei: Nantian Book Bureau
3. Li Jinqi "Research on Traditional Chinese and Japanese Garden" 1988. Taipei: Master of Tamka Jianye's thesis
4.Advanced Marketing Technology for Architecture & Engineering Firms
5. 6. The Ministry of Economic Affairs 88.04.14 "The Rules of the Internal Route Device" 11th edition of the Republic of China May 1990: Taiwan Power Company Training Center.
7 'Chen Jianxing Technician 94.08.24 "Hydropower Engineering Equipment Course": Architects Association.
8. Lee Shuo Chong "Lighting Design" 4th edition 86.07: Jinhua Technology Book Co., Ltd..
9. Li Rongyu. Huang Yongtai. Liu Jinchang and other six "Architectural Equipment" 77.03: Dongda Book Company.
10. Gu Qilang 1973.01 "Design and Construction Law in the Template House" February 68: Press Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final result
30 期末於課堂中舉行筆試測驗(非open book)作為期末成績。題型內容方式可參閱教學平台上「考古題」參考模擬。完成測驗後於本學期末堂課即發還閱卷檢討、公佈成績。
Usually grades (theme exploration writing training)
40 期末考前完成研究報告寫作一篇,期末考當天截止收件,作為平時成績(次堂課成績評定發還同上)。題目於本課程內容範圍題材由同學自訂,寫作規範如前述「作業設計」說明。
Mid -term score
30 前述學期研究報告題目及內容大綱需在期中規定時程期限繳交,作為期中成績評量。大綱架構參照「作業設計」附錄規範說明,其中每段須有簡要文字說明,不得少於100字。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[M232]
授課教師 Teacher:施正之
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:建築系不得修習。二教區上課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 63 人。

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